Chapter 5

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Cam wakes up in the middle of the bed, his grandparents either side of him. He stands up on the bed and sits on his Grammy's stomach. He really needed to pee.

"Grammy, wake up. I have to pee." Cam slaps his hands on his grandma's face.

Chloe opens her eyes and smile seeing his grandson's face first thing in the morning. However, the cute moment ends soon as she hears the growing desperation in Cam's voice.

"Alright, alright, I'm up" Chloe says sitting up on the bed. She picks him up and carries him to their bathroom.

She places Cam in his potty, which is on the counter. And she does her business in the toilet herself. There is a separate closed area in the large bathroom, so no problems of privacy.

Cam finishes his business and stands up when finished. "I'm done"

"Yeah, good job baby." Chloe replies, happy to see Cam energetic this morning. She then proceeds to flush the pee in the toilet.

"Let's brush our teeth, shall we?" Chloe says to Cam, handing him his brush with edible baby toothpaste. She starts brushing her own teeth, knowing Cam would surely need her help.

She stands corrected as when she is done brushing, Cam is just licking the strawberry toothpaste off rather than brushing his teeth. She takes the bush from his hands and brushes his teeth, keeping his head still by her other head.

Cam still has his baby teeth and his molars still haven't grown.

Chloe rinses his mouth and sets him down on the floor.

"Let's get you dressed. You have school in a bit." Chloe takes his hand, guiding him to his own room.

Cam's room is not anything like a typical high-schoolers room. His room more or less looks like a toddler's. Baby blue walls, toys scattered all around the floor, a changing table that has been in use since he was a baby, a rocking chair and his toddler bed with side rails.

Chloe picks him up, laying him on the changing table. She looks through his closet until she finds the outfit for the day. Red t-shirt with a picture of a dinosaur, and blue denim shorts with elastic waist.

She puts on his underwear, followed by her picked outfit. She also puts on Velcro sneakers on his feet.

She stands him up on the changing table, Cam coming to his Grammy's chest "Give me kiss sweetheart."

Cam gives her a kiss on the cheek and she reciprocates.

"Where's Grandpa?" Cam asks.

"He's probably sleeping still. Let's wake him up" Chloe sets Cam down on the floor. He runs out of his room, straight to his grandpa. Chloe follows.

Cam tries to climb up the bed to wake his grandpa up, but he is too short for that. Suddenly he is picked up from behind and placed on the bed.

Cam jumps on Adrian's belly, giggling loudly. Adrian sits up abruptly. He also notices his wife in the room.

"Why does it seem like your idea?" Adrian asks Chloe, picking Cam up and getting out of the bed.

"Because it was." Chloe laughs at Cam.

They go downstairs to have breakfast, well Adrian just his coffee. But when Chloe goes to feed Cam, he refuses.

"Come on baby, just a bite." Chloe and Adrian beg Cam, but he still denies. Cam loves eating, but some mornings he just doesn't feel like eating anything. This is one such day.

Adrian is trying to feed Cam just juice when the bell rings.

Chloe opens the door to find Emma.

"Hi Grammy, how are you? I haven't seen you since like yesterday." Emma rants hugging Chloe.

"Well, it was not me who just drove by yesterday, without coming inside the house." Chloe says, teasing.

They go inside the living room and Chloe hands Emma Cam's school bag and his lunch.

"Make sure he eats it; he hasn't eaten anything today" Chloe instructs Emma. "And don't forget to eat your lunch too." Chloe hands Emma another lunch.

"Grammy you're the best. I literally forgot to bring my lunch today." Emma tells Chloe.

"CAM, LET'S GO." Emma shouts from the living room.

After a minute, Cam comes to the living room.

"Where's my bike?" Cam asks.

"It's in the driveway, don't worry. I wouldn't forget that." Emma says picking him up in one hand, his schoolbag in the other.

"How come he gets new shoes like every day? It's not fair" Emma whines slightly.

"Well baby-size shoes are cheaper, honey. And we did get you new shoes the last time we went shopping together." Adrian says.

"I am NOT A BABY." Cams shouts.

The other three look at each other and laughs. "Sure, sure" They mumble.

Emma puts Cam in his car seat and buckles him up. They start the 10-minute journey to school.

What they don't know, this day will change their lives. Specifically, Fiona and Cam's.

AN: So a new chapter. 

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