Chapter 14

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"Wake up the baby!" Emma yells from the bathroom.

Fiona is getting ready for school. She goes for a simple white top with black plants. She does a very minimalistic make up, putting the needed books and notebooks in her bag. She also packs Cam's bag.

"Alright!" Fiona replies, walking out towards Cam's room.

Fiona enters the room to quite a scene.

Cam is still sleeping peacefully. But he has peed in his sleep, soaking his onesie and the mattress.

"Baby, wake up." Fiona coos, stroking his tiny hand.

"Nuu." Cam mumbles in his sleep, rolling over on his belly.

"No, baby, wake up. Wake up baby boy." Fiona pats his back.

"Nuu... mama..." Cam whines, rubbing his face in the pillow.

Fiona, seeing no other options, picks up from his armpits.

That's it. Cam starts crying loudly, like really loudly.

"Oh no baby, mama's so mean, isn't she?" Fiona says, bringing him closer to her, but still keeping some space.

"But you had an accident, pumpkin." Fiona coos.

Cam immediately stops crying, hearing his mama's words. He looks down and then looks at Fiona.

Fiona watches as Cam looks at her. He takes a big breath, and at that moment she knows what's going to happen next. Cam starts wailing at the top of his lungs.

Fiona quickly holds Cam in her arms. She knows her clothes are getting wet as well, but that doesn't matter when it comes to anything about Cam.

"It was just an accident. I've got you. We can just fix it. Mama will make everything better." Fiona kisses Cam's head, rubbing his back.

"Really?" Cam mumbles from his position, at his mama's chest.

"Yes, sunshine. Really."

Fiona gently lays down Cam on the bed. She takes the wet onesie off of Cam, leaving him butt naked.

She grabs some baby wipes from the drawer of the bed side table. She wipes Cam's eyes and snot first. Then she wipes down Cam's legs, private parts up to his belly.

She bends down and blows raspberries on Cam's belly.

Cam's pure, innocent giggles fills her heart with joy. She can't even describe how she feels. Is this how mothers feel with their babies? May be.

Fiona picks up Cam, getting into her own bedroom. She goes through the closet, trying to find something for her and Cam.

Finally, she decides on a light blue t-shirt and dark blue shorts for Cam. She grabs another white top and olive pants this time.

"Sit right here. Okay?" Fiona sits Cam on the bed, giving him Mr. Dumbo.

She is about to go to the bathroom to change, but decides against it. There's no reason to hide her body from a toddler, who is babbling to his stuffy at the moment. Also, Emma is in the bathroom, who will grab any chance to see her even in her underwear.

Fiona changes her pants. She takes off her top and goes to wear the other one when Cam interrupts.

"Wan that." Cam points to Fiona's chest.

"What baby?" Fiona asks amused.

"Boobies, mama." Cam says, rolling over the bed.

Fiona laughs out loud. Of course. Her baby wants boobies.

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