Chapter 15

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Fiona and Emma park their car in the parking lot.

Fiona gets out of her car, going round Cam's door to get him out. She unbuckles the straps of the car seat. She picks him up and places him on the ground.

"Let's go." Fiona holds Cam's hand and they walk to Emma who is standing in the parking lot.

"Here, take your bags." Emma hands Fiona her and Cam's bags. Fiona wears her bag and carry Cam's bag with the other hand, that's not holding Cam.

They reach their first class a little bit early. They take their seats, Cam in the middle as usual.

"Baby, can you listen to me for a bit?" Fiona says in a whisper, leaning down to Cam.

"Yes, mama." Cam whispers back.

Emma leans down too, to listen to them.

"Baby, if you want to call me mama in school, it's okay. But you'd have to a little quiet, okay? There are many meanies, who wouldn't like that." Fiona tells Cam, holding both of his hands.

"Can't call you mama?" Cam asks with teary eyes.

"Of course, you can. You'd have to be little quiet. Okay, sweetheart?" Fiona wipes away Cam's tears, giving him a wide smile. She can't wait to graduate from school, which is about in three weeks. Under any normal circumstance, she will not be allowed to join a new school this late. But when someone pays money like Fiona's dad did, everything is possible.

"Otay, mama." Cam whispers.

Just then, the teacher walks in.

The class goes like any normal, boring class. The teacher checks their home works, teach something new, then again home work for the next day.

The trio leave the class, to go to their next class. They are walking down the corridor when a ball of crumpled paper hits Fiona's shoulders.

Fiona crouches down, picking up the paper. She opens the paper which reads- "Come to me, gorgeous."

Fiona stands up and scans the corridor to see the same guy from before with a smug smile. Fiona smirks herself.

"Em, take him to the class. I need to sort something out." Fiona guides Cam to Emma's side, giving a smirk to Emma.

"Just don't go too far." Emma replies, taking a hold of Cam's hand. She would have never left Fiona alone with these jerks, but she might have seen something in her home which makes her believe Fiona will be okay.

Emma and Cam make their way to their next class. Again, a lot early.

"Where's mama?" Cam whispers, looking up at Emma.

"She is handling some stuff, buddy. She will be here soon." Emma whispers back, leaning down so Cam can hear her words.

Cam accepts the explanation and proceeds to fidget with his fingers.

"Here, have some water." Emma gives Cam his new water bottle. Fiona somehow, has managed to find a sippy cup kind of bottle. But in black color to avoid the childishness.

Cam is drinking his water when Fiona enters the class. His whole demeanor brightens up. Well not only Cam's.

The whole class starts whispering about the badass beauty.

"You were thirsty, bubba?" Fiona smooths out Cam's hair, sitting beside him.

"What did you do?" Emma asks Fiona, leaning over Cam. Cam definitely does not need to hear about any violence.

"Just a little talk." Fiona smirks.

"Sure." Emma knows it is more than 'just a little talk.'

Fiona feels Cam lean against her. She smiles down at him, wrapping her arm around him.

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