Chapter 19

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Fiona wakes up feeling a little body on top of her. She wakes up to quite a sight. Cam is curled up on her sleeping, his butt up in the air. His head rests on her bare breast. Fiona's top is resting under her chin.

"I love you, baby." Fiona whispers to herself. She pats Cam's butt, soaking in the morning bliss. That, however, doesn't last very long.

"What a lovely view to wake up to!" Emma says in her groggy morning voice. She goes to touch one of her girlfriend's melons, but gets smacked on her arm.

"Don't you dare!" Fiona whisper shouts. She lowers her shirt down just so it rests above Cam's head.

"Come on! I wasn't gonna do anything." Emma scoots closer to Fiona.

"You want me to believe it?" Fiona raises her eyebrow.

"Fine." Emma huffs. She leans over to Fiona, giving her a passionate kiss.

"Do you wanna sleep in today?" Fiona asks.

"I don't have any problem in that." Emma replies, cuddling Fiona.


"Hi baby!!" Fiona holds her arms out as Cam runs, no waddles to her. She scoops him into her arms, swaying him.

"Gu' mownin'." Cam mumbles, resting his head on her mama's shoulder.

"Good morning to you too, sweety." Fiona kisses his head. "Don't fall asleep, baby." Fiona sits Cam up in her arms when she feels Cam get heavy.

"Nuu, sweepy." Cam whines, rubbing his eyes.

"You'll feel just fine after you eat something." Fiona states sitting on a chair in the kitchen, with Cam on her lap.

"Babe, can you get some cereal for the baby?" Fiona calls for Emma. They have already eaten their breakfast as they let Cam sleep.

"I already did." Emma puts the bowl in front of Fiona. She puts a bib on Cam before sitting next to Fiona.

"Hi, bubba. Did you sleep nice?" Emma smooths out Cam's messy hair.

"Uh-huh." Cam replies, still waking up from his sleep.

"Good. Now can you give me the paci, baby?" Emma asks, holding her hand out.

"Nu." Cam turns his head away.

Fiona kisses Cam's cheeks earning a few giggles from Cam. "Can I have a kiss, baby?"

Cam nods and spits his pacifier out to kiss his mama's cheek. Emma grabs it immediately.

"Thank you, baby." Fiona tells him. "Can you give Mo-Emmy one?" Fiona stops herself from saying the word, just in time. Emma looks at Fiona with eyes that she can't describe.

Cam kisses Emma's cheek. "You're so sweet, bubba." Emma tickles him.

"Alright, let's get you fed." Emma says, starting to feed Cam as he sits on Fiona's lap.

"Let's go get you out of that diapee." Fiona picks up Cam, carrying him upstairs. Emma follows.

Cam hides his head in Fiona's neck, embarrassed.

Fiona lies Cam on her bed, taking off his onesie. She takes off the diaper, wiping him down. Throughout the whole process, Cam blushes.

"Now, baby, do you wanna go potty?" Fiona asks Cam.

"Nu." Cam tells her, starting to play with his stuffy that was on the bed.

"Can you try at least, baby?" Fiona asks him as Emma picks out an outfit for him. Cam nods.

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