Chapter 16

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Fiona picks up an asleep Cam from the car seat. She keeps a hand behind his head as he is all floppy.

She is walking on the driveway when she feels something.

"Wha.." Fiona looks down to figure out the warm dampness on her arm. And there it is. She notices Cam peeing on her, while he sleeps.

Fiona inwardly cringes but doesn't do anything. She does not want to wake him up. She, in no way, likes to be peed at but if it prevents a cranky toddler, so be it.

Fiona rings the doorbell.

Soon enough, Emma opens the door. She looks at Fiona, her wet top, Cam's wet pants.

She starts laughing hysterically.

"Stop, don't be loud, he's asleep." Fiona puts her hand over Emma's mouth, shushing her. The hand which is dry, of course.

"Okay, okay, come in." Emma tries her best to suppress her laugh as they get to the living room.

"Give me a towel, I'll have to change the baby." Fiona tells Emma. "Oh, and bring my bag from my car. The baby wipes and a set of clothes are in it." She tosses her car keys to Emma.

"Okay, on it." Emma first fetches a towel for Fiona and then goes to bring her bag.

Fiona spreads out the towel on the couch and gently lays down on it.

"Hush, little baby." Fiona hums in a whisper when Cam fidgets a little.

She strips Cam just as Emma returns with her bag.

"Thank you." Fiona takes the bag and brings out the wipes.

"He had an accident again?" Emma kneels down next to Fiona.

"Yeah, poor baby." Fiona wipes down Cam thoroughly. Fortunately, Cam does not wake up.

"He stopped wetting last year, and here we are again." Emma smooths out Cam's hair.

"He used to have accidents?" Fiona asks, looking at Emma.

"Yeah." Emma replies.

Fiona changes Cam into a grey t-shirt and some underwear. She doesn't put any pants on him because they are going to be inside.

"Should I put some protection on him?" Fiona asks Emma.

"Well, he used to be until last year."

"Okay." Fiona removes the towel from under Cam, and puts some couch pillows around him.

She puts the wet clothes in a plastic bag.

"Let's go eat something. I'm starving." Emma pulls Fiona to stand.

"You didn't eat?" Fiona asks as Emma tries to drag her.

"No, I didn't. Now let's go." Emma tries to drag Fiona.

"I have to change, babe. I'm all wet." Fiona reminds Emma of the situation.

"Oh, totally forgot about them." Emma stops dragging her. "Go take a shower at my bathroom. And wear anything you like, if it fits that is." Emma pushes Fiona gently.

"Alright." Fiona goes to take a shower while Emma warms up their food.

Fiona returns downstairs after a quick shower, in an olive green t-shirt and grey shorts.

"What did you make?" Fiona asks, entering the kitchen.

"Some chicken pasta." Emma replies.

"Here." Emma puts their plates on the table, taking a seat beside Fiona.

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