"no no no no, please larry I don't want to go back," connor cried looking for away out when he relised his feet where free

"no connor, this is your home, you don't belong out there its not safe,"

Connor brought his leg back and kick larry as hard as he could in the shins, there was a loud gratifying snap, larry screamed and let go of connor who left to the ground and clambered back up to his feet and ran he wasn't watching where he was running and he stubbed his toe on a root and fell down the side of a cliff he screamed, he didn't want to die now the wind lashed around him tree braches hit him he eventually shut his eyes, he was disrupted with a sharp pain on his ribs he let out a cry of agony he gribbed onto the log to he wouldn't fall for anymore his grip slipped and he fell a couple of feet before he hit the ground. He could hear his mother's faint cries.

Connor laid on the ground pain radiating for his ribs, he knows its broken he moved his arm touch his ribs he hissed he had to keep moving he sat up taking deep breathes he was bleeding from his head he had gashes and small cuts across his face and legs.

He stood up leaning against the tree he had just fallen out of his vision blurred he clamped his eyes shut the grabbed onto his head he was dizzy he slowly opened his eyes his vison wasn't blurred anymore he slowly started walking finding the bag he slugged it back over his shoulder and started his way back home to evan, limping he eventually found his way out of the forrest and saw a sign welcome to Ohio

"shit," connor grumbled

He started walked down the street and eventually found a Walmart he stumbled into it getting strange stares he grabbed a few pairs of jeans and a few shirts and some actual shoes and socks, he grabbed some first ade equipment he was standing in line with his head down he knew he looked horrible he was up

"hey man you okay, what happened?"

"I was hiking and I fell, nothing bad," connor grumbled liying through his teeth "do you know if theres any cheep motel around here,"

"yeah theres a motel about a block down that way when you leave,"

"thanks,"connor smiled and handed the cashier 100 bucks and walked out he walked in the direction the lady told him he found it and booked a room for the night, he finally took off his shirt and saw the brusing from the fall he saw the scratches, god a shower will be painful.

Evan was confused about the letter he got from connor, he kept on reading it

Dear Evan Handsen

I'll be home, soon I promise, mark my word

Love you too

Sincerely, me

Evan paced his room as jared looked at it

"I mean, it is his writing, maybe he finally lost it,"

"jared,"evan groaned and slumped in his chair.

"fine, I have no idea what it means, maybe he's planning to escape which is not the smartest idea,"

Connor got out of his shower cleaned his wounds and wrapped them, then slipped into a pair of sweat pants and a singlet that he bought at the Walmart. He collapsed onto the singy bed falling asleep instantly.

The next day he found a bus going to his home Rochester, NY and back to Evan. He sat on the seat the bag sitting next to him he rested his head on the window, his head was still in pain from the fall it was hours before they arrived in Rochester. And when he did he was happy he started his walk houses lined the streets the familiar sent of oak trees filled his senses he smiled as he walked through the streets eventually finding a familiar street with the house he's missed, he just hopes evan was home, sure he was dizzy but he was determined to find evan again, he took a breath and limped up to 7 oak street

Treebros (Connor murphy x Evan Hansen) one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now