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I'm actually so braindead. Meant to update for u guys yesterday but forgot. Since I've been absolutely sucking at updating lately I think I'll try and update every single day this week? Idk we'll see. Thanks for reading even with the inconsistent updates hehe. Luv u </3

Sunoos POV

      It hurt. It hurt so badly watching how he walked up to her and placed his arms around her. How she'd smiled when she saw him walking towards her. I could've stayed and tried to be normal, but it would've hurt so badly. I just couldn't bare to see her so happy with someone that wasn't me.

      "You're actually being so dumb right now. It's not like she's your ex even. She's a girl that you like that got a boyfriend. Suck it up." I scolded myself while walking down the street. I shoved my hands into my pockets and watched the ground. I didn't realize that I'd  been glaring the whole time. I wanted to cry so badly but I couldn't. At least not in the middle of the street.

      I finally made my way "home." Calling the Yangs house "home" felt so unnatural. I knew that as much as I was welcomed there, it wasn't where I belonged, and now with the pain in my heart I didn't want to belong there.

A/N: (That made absolutely no sense sorry lol)

      I waited until I had gotten into my room and made sure the door was locked to finally release my tears. I knew it was stupid to cry over something that was never yours, but I still did it. I still sank down against the door and held my knees, shaking heavily while sobs heaved my body. I didn't care if someone heard me. It's not like I would've let them in anyway. The hot tears that stung my cheeks felt nice. They reminded me that I was still there. Still alive. Not having the girl I loved hurt me so badly but at least I was still living, breathing, my heart was still beating.

       I heard a knock at the door behind me. There were some shuffling noises and I could here my name being softly called. It was Y/N. I could recognize her voice from 10,000 miles away. I cleared my throat muttering a few quiet "annyeong" to confirm my voice didn't show that I'd been crying. I didn't open the door for Y/N. Instead I talked through it like we were Anna and Elsa.

       "What?" I didn't add anything else. No 'do you need something' or 'why are you talking to me.' I could only say a few words without my voice breaking.

       "Are you... alright?" Y/N's voice was hesitant, as if she felt she'd get in trouble for asking. If you ask me, it was adorable.

       "Why wouldn't I Be?" I asked. My voice had slightly gotten shaky on the B in be and I prayed she hadn't noticed. The last thing I needed was for her to know I was this upset.

       "Did he.... make you uncomfortable? I'm sorry. He's really a sweet guy I promise. Really kind once you get to know him." I knew that Y/N was just trying to make me feel calm but it did the exact opposite. I felt jealous and pained when she started gushing over Heeseung.

      "Stop it. I get it, he's awesome. That's not my issue." I didn't really think about what I was saying. I just spat out the first words that came to my mind.

      "Well, what is your problem. Because it's clear that you have one and, not that I want to, but our would appreciate if I helped solve it.

       That's when I snapped.

       "You. You're my problem Y/N. You're so obnoxious! Leave me alone! If I'm upset do you really think I'll want someone who I hate with a burning passion to be knocking on my door and annoying me!?" I was so hurt by the words she had said to me. I wanted her to feel the same, but the second I actually said it, I regretted it.

      "Sunoo..." her tone had quieted a lot and I struggled to hear her through the door. The way she said my name with her voice cracking made me even more regretful.

       "Y/N, I'm sorry I didn't mean that. You know that I don't actually think that right?" I wanted to open the door and hug her so badly but there were several reasons I couldn't. 1) she was a taken girl 2) she'd see my tear stained face 3) that'd be so awkward in general.

      She stopped responding and I heard footsteps leading away from the door along with a soft sob.

        "Woah, woah, Y/N are you alright?" Now it was Jungwon's voice. He must've walked past her in the hallway.

       Now not only did my heart hurt to badly, but I'd made Y/N cry. Out of pure sadness and hurt. I felt so bad. I wanted to die.


       I didn't understand. Sure Sunoo and I had our ups and downs but he never lashed out so badly. I hadn't done anything either. Or at least if I did, I wasn't aware what it had been. I didn't know why but hearing Sunoo say how much he disposed me hurt so badly.

      "Woah, woah, Y/N are you alright?" Jungwon grabbed my shoulder while walking past me in the hall. I stopped walking and hugged him tightly. Sure Jungwon was my twin and a pain in my butt sometimes, but he was good at giving comfort. I rested my head on his shoulder and cried so hard I felt like I was going to throw up.

      "Y/N, what happened?" Jungwon tried to get me to speak but I simply shook my head and kept crying. He sighed loudly eventually and asked "Do you want me to call Heeseung?" The thought of Heeseung seeing me crying was embarrassing but I felt hurt and wouldn't mind his company right then. I nodded my head and not more then 5 minutes later, Heeseung was at our house.

       "Y/N, what happened?"  Heeseung tried the same question Jungwon had just minutes ago but I have no answer. Instead, I wrapped my arms around him and gripped the fabric of his shirt tightly in my hands. Jungwon had walked away to give us privacy.

       "Baby, please tell me what bothering you so much. If you're this upset where you've been crying for over 10 minutes, it's obviously not nothing." Heeseung stroked my hair and then picked me up like a baby.

       "I don't want to talk about it." I sniffled as Heeseung carried me to my room. He sat me down on my bed and cuddled me tightly.

       "Alright, but please when you're ready, tell me. I want to know what's going on with you, all the time." Heeseung planted a kiss on my head. I closed my eyes and smiled.

       "Hey you smiled!" Heeseung exclaimed. I giggled and he hugged me tighter. Eventually I fell asleep in his warm embrace.

Why do I feel like I'm lowkey writing a Heeseung story? Lol. Anyways I promise there'll b more Y/N x Sunoo in the next chapter. Without the crying and sadness. Actually I don't promise but I'll try. Also is it bad that I'm cringing at my own work?

I think I might start a question of the day thing in these chapters.
Todays question:
What month were you born in?


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