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Not me almost forgetting to update today-

Uhm also thanks so much for 100+ reads! I think literally just the other day I was thanking you for 50 reads. Ily all sm thank u for reading <33



I woke up in my bed around 9:30 in the morning. I had slept for a really, really long time. I picked up my phone and saw some texts from Heeseung.

Heeseung <33
Yesterday, 8:37 a.m.
-good morning darling

-did you get enough sleep last night?

Yesterday, 2:56 p.m.

Today, 2:48 a.m.
-please answer me, I'm worried about u

I chuckled a little seeing how much he worried just because I hadn't answered him for a day. I quickly sent a text assuring him I was fine.

Just then, my phone began to ring. I glanced at the caller ID and picked up.

"Ara! Hey!" I said cheerfully. "Did you need to tell me something?" Ara usually didn't call me without texting to make sure I was free first.

"Okay I know you said you didn't want to hear about it, but I had THE best day with Jungwon yesterday!" Ara practically squealed into the phone. I rolled my eyes sarcastically even though she couldn't see me.

"Not really sure how your best day could be with that sewer rat and not me but, you do you I guess." I told Ara. I could practically hear her scowling.

"Don't call him that! Anyways, I want to tell you about our day together." Ara explained. I could tell she was jumping around her room excitedly.

"Okay, calm down. Tell me what you guys did. But don't you dare tell me you kissed or some nasty crap like that." I pretending to gag, once again forgetting that she couldn't see my expression.



Jungwon told me today that he would pick me up so we could spend time together. I was really excited since I hadn't spent time alone with him for at least a week. I picked out an outfit that I had been saving for an occasion just like this.

      After I'd picked my outfit I checked my phone

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After I'd picked my outfit I checked my phone.

Wonie <33 🥺
-I'm outside. Come out when ur ready

Alrighty. Coming now-

I practically ran out the front door. The promise of my boyfriend being right there when I exited made me so happy. I flung the door open after putting on my shoes.

"Wonie!" I basically jumped onto him, wrapping my arms around his neck. He hugged me back and laughed.

"Missed me that much?" He asked me. I nodded my head and let go of him.

"Me too." He kissed my forehead and took my hand. "Shall we get going?" He asked. I nodded once again.

"Where are we gonna go?" I asked him as we started down the street.

"Well, there's this new café that just opened down the street. I thought we could go there." Jungwon told me. Our hands were intertwined tightly and swung slightly between us as we walked. His hand felt good in mine, like they were puzzle pieces that fit together.

"That sounds nice." I smiled and looked at the other people on the street. There were several other couples, a few business-y men, and two ladies pushing strollers and laughing with each other. It was a beautiful day for a walk and clearly a lot of people realized that.

"So, how have you been doing? I feel like I haven't seen you in years." Jungwon asked while turning his head to look at me. I smiled warmly before replying.

"Aish, I know right? I'm doing fine except I miss you so much and Y/N won't let me talk about you to her." I slightly pouted my lips as I spoke.

"Aww, did you miss me so much that you tried to get my twin to stalk me for you?" Jungwon took his free hand and ruffled my hair.

"Kind of? I mean not stalk you but.." I trailed off and Jungwon didn't make me finish my sentence. We eventually arrived at the café. It looked really nice.

"Here we are." Jungwon let go of my hand and pushed the door open for me. I walked in and he followed after. My heart almost stopped when I saw the person behind the counter. I grabbed onto Jungwon's sleeve and stood almost behind him. He didn't seem to take notice of my change in mood and walked to the counter. He order a coffee for himself and tea for me. He knew I didn't like coffee.

When we sat down at the table, I refused to move away from Jungwon. I sipped my tea little by little and stayed as close to him as possible. He eventually caught on and asked me what was wrong.

"Baby, is there a problem? Ever since we walked in here, you're being awfully clingy. I mean I don't have a problem with it, but I think you might have a problem." He asked me while slightly pushing me away so he could look into my eyes. I sighed and smiled a very tiny smile.

"I'm good. It's just... that guy behind the counter..." I paused for a second before finishing my sentence. "He used to bully me a lot. Like, he'd force me to kiss him and stuff, and if I didn't, he'd push me against the wall. Once, he pushed me so hard I had to get stitches on the back of my head." I ended up telling Jungwon more details then I meant to, but it didn't matter.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry Ara, you don't deserve that." Jungwon pulled me into a very tight hug. It made me feel safe and warm. Once he'd let go of me he grabbed my hand again. "Come on, let's leave." He told me. We stood up and got out of the café. Luckily, the boy behind the counter took no notice of me.

"Thank you, Wonie." I rested my head on his shoulder as we were walking.

"You don't have to thank me. If I ever bring you somewhere you feel uncomfortable, just tell me and we'll leave right away." He told me. I smiled.

"If you're okay with it, we could stop at the park before I bring you home?" Jungwon asked me. I lifted my head from his shoulder.

"That sounds nice. But if we see anyone I know there, I'm gonna flip out." I joked. Jungwon chuckled and we turned onto a street that lead to the park.

Once we had arrived, we sat down against a big tree. Well to be more exact, Jungwon was sitting against the tree. I was sitting in his lap with his arms around me, leaning on him.

"This is nice. We should come to the park together more often." Jungwon told me. He had his chin resting on my shoulder and I could feel his breath on my shoulder.

"Ehh don't do that! It feels weird." I told him and wiggled my shoulders. He laughed and kissed my head. We spent around an hour at the park, and then he brought me home.

Hope you liked this chapter even though it's not rlly about Y/N. I made this chapter as per request of my sister, so dear sister, I hope you enjoyed.
I also think it's nice to know more about Ara x Jungwon's relationship. Don't ya think?

Anyways thanks again for 100+ reads!! I really appreciate it and I love u all soooo much!

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