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Now that Ara had told me about her totally not obvious definitely super secret relationship with Jungwon, she wouldn't stop talking about it. I felt so single. I told her not to tell me about their dates and whatnot but she didn't listen. It was so obnoxious.

On a happier note, Heeseung had been texting me almost every day. It made me happy when my phone would vibrate and I'd look at the screen and see his name. To think that I was ready to let go of my crush on him and then this happened. It was like a sign from the universe!

It was a Saturday and I was sitting in my room doing nothing, like most Saturdays. Suddenly a little rat boy named Kim Sunoo burst into my room.

"Yang Y/N!!" He pointed a finger at me and glared.

"What? Whatever you're thinking I didn't do it. I've been in my room the entire day." I defended myself instantly because I had a feeling I knew what he was about to accuse me of.

"Yeah right," he rolled his eyes, "you're the only one who saw me hiding those chocolate pretzels in the cabinet. Nobody else was around when I put them there. You are my pretzels!" He shouted regardless of my defense.

"Well what did you expect? You put them there when I was literally standing like three feet away from you." I rolled my eyes and continued to scroll through my phone.

"That doesn't mean you get to be a jerk and eat them!" Sunoo stomped out of my room like a five year old and I laughed at him. He was obnoxious and I hated him but he was also hilarious sometimes. For some reason he had a billion friends and all the girls at school loved him. If I had to count how many times he'd received free food or love confessions, I'd be counting forever.

Just then my daily text from Heeseung arrived.

-Hey wyd

Nothing much hbu-

-Same. We should do something

We? Like me and you?-

-We r the only ones in this chat. Yes me and u

Ok! Ya sure-

-Nice can u meet me at (___) park

Ya I'll see u there!-

"Oh my god did I just get a date with Heeseung?" I spoke to myself out loud. I sat on my bed for a second and thought about it.

"Nah, it's probably just a friendly hang out type of thingy." I shrugged and sighed, slightly disappointed and then walked to my closet to find something suitable to wear. I chose something simple because he'd told me to meet him at the park

      After spinning around several times in front of the mirror I gave a satisfied smile and left my room

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After spinning around several times in front of the mirror I gave a satisfied smile and left my room. I bounced down the stairs and had my hand on the doorknob when I heard someone talk to me.

"Where are you going?" Sunoo was leaning on the railing and eating some chips.

"Why do you care? It's none of your business where I am or where I'm going." I told him and began to open the door when hee spoke again.

"Why are you so mean to me? Like what's your problem?" He asked me still leaning on the railing.

"MY problem? What's YOUR problem? You're always mean to me at school for no reason. The only times your not mean to me is when you're annoying me." I told him. He didn't answer me and instead turned and walked into Jungwon's room.

"Jungwons not home!" I shouted up the stairs so that he could hear me. Then I twisted the doorknob and walked out the door. I made my way to the park. It was a beautiful day outside and the breeze was blowing ever so slightly.

"This would be a good day for an actual date. I should tell Jungwon to take Ara out today." I told myself as I walked past some shops. I took out my phone and texted Jungwon. As much as I hated hearing about their relationship, I still wanted them to last. They were cute together, I had to admit that.

Once I had arrived at the park, I sat on a bench and waited for Heeseung. It didn't take long for him to show up.

"Hey, I hope you weren't waiting for too long for me." He said as soon as he walked over to me.

"It's fine I've only been here for like a minute. You're totally fine." I assured him so that he wouldn't feel bad for making me wait.

"Okay good. I was thinking we could just walk through the park and maybe go to a cafe after. I've been wanting to spend more time with you. It's like a know your but I don't know you, you know?" Heeseung explained to me as we began walking.

"Okay sounds good! I feel the same way. Well I mean I want to get to know you not myself. I know myself. I mean it's like I kinda know myself. I- never mind." I mentally facepalmed myself and thought about how embarrassing that was.

Good job idiot now he probably thinks you're insane! I told myself

"Yeah I know what you're trying to say." Heeseung chuckled and put his hands in his pockets. I awkwardly giggled and sighed. We continued to walk and have a somewhat awkward conversation. We eventually ended up at a nice cafe.

"This is where I wanted to take you once we finished walking." Heeseung told me.

"It looks nice." I said. Heeseung opened the door and held it for me.

"Ladies first," he said.

"Thank you," I walked inside and looked around. It really was a nice place. We sat down at a table together and a waitress took our order. While we were waiting in awkward silence, Heeseung suddenly spoke.

"Y/N there's something I need to tell you. It might be awkward and I'm not trying to make you uncomfortable but this is really important." He said while lightly touching my hand. I was kind of shocked by his sudden action but I managed to speak.

"Okay what is it?" He stared straight into my eyes for a few seconds before he spoke again.

"Y/N I really like you. Like a lot. Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked me

Guys I'm sorry if you don't like when ur with another person before the main character but this is just part of the story!

I was thinking of maybe making another story where you ARE Ara and you end up with Jungwon? Of course it wouldn't be exactly the same but parts of it would be. Tell me what you think!

Also why can't my school essays be this long? Like I can write 1000 words about awkward romance or whatever but not about whatever I'm learning in school?

Stay tuned cuz I have so many ideas for the next chapter fkdibrnsobfje

Oh and one last thing! I was listening to Wave by Ateez on a loop while writing this and it's SO GOOD. You have to listen to it if you haven't. Trust me you won't be sorry.

~Mine~ {Kim Sunoo}Where stories live. Discover now