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      I RLLY LEFT YALL ON A CLIFF HANGER FOR LIKE THREE WEEKS OOPS! Lol sorry. I've been into Bts lately so writing the next part to this story completely slipped my mind. Anyways I'm back now so... hi?

     "Y/N I really like you. Like a lot. Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked me. (Remember they were on a date?)

      After taking a second to choke on my glass of water and cough loudly, I answered.

      "Me!?" I pointed at myself.

      "You are the one on a date with me, right?" Heeseung laughed and reached for my hand which was sitting on the table.

      "I mean, uhm, yes. Definitely! I was just slightly surprised." I nervously chuckled when his hand landed on mine. He smiled at me and we finished eating.

      Once we had left the cafe, we continued on our walk. Heeseung hadn't let my hand go since he grabbed it in the cafe. I was ecstatic. The man that I'd had a crush on for almost half of my life had asked ME, Yang Y/N, to be his girlfriend.

"Oh this is my house. I'll se you next time I guess." I nodded towards my house as we made our way to it.

"Okay. Bye Y/N I'll text you later." Heeseung grinned as he let go of my hand and waved to me. Once his hand had left mine I realized how nice it felt to hold hands with him. I waved once again and walked through the front door.

"Wow. What. Was. That?" Sunoo stood almost right in the doorway with his arms crossed.

"Oh holy-! Sunoo you scared me!" I gasped dramatically as I closed the door. He frowned and continued talking to me.

"You know, I've heard awful things about that guy. Heard he's a player. A real jerk." Sunoo followed me all the way up to my room. I paused in the doorway.

"Are you going to walk away now or would you like to follow me and continue to judge my life decisions." I crossed my arms and questioned him.

"Well I just.." I cut Sunoo off.

"You just what? Why do you suddenly care so much about me anyways?" I was getting very suspicious of Sunoo. The kid who likes so push me and call me dumb in the school halls was now concerned about my well-being?

"Hey could you two stop arguing? I'm trying to do something here!" Jungwon suddenly poked his head out of his door and furrowed his eyebrows at us.

"Sorry Jungwon. SOMEBODY is trying to judge my life decisions." I grumbled.

"Yeah, stupid life decisions." I heard Sunoo mumble while he was rolling his eyes.

"Excuse me what?" I changed my look into a glare, aimed straight at Sunoo.

"STOP! Sunoo get over here." Jungwon motioned for Sunoo to come to his room. He crossed his arms sassily and did as Jungwon said.

"Thank god. He's so annoying. I hate him." I slammed my bedroom door and tossed my bag onto my bed.

Jungwon's POV

"Sunoo, it's fine. She's just a little bit... stubborn." I sighed while hugging Sunoo. He had begun to cry after arguing with Y/N. He was never going to admit it but he'd had a crush on Y/N for almost as long as she like Heeseung. Now that he'd seen them together, he was heartbroken.

"I just c-can't believe that of a-all people on this Earth, she chose the one everybody says is a-awful!" Sunoo cried as he gripped onto my shirt tighter.

I sighed loudly and continued rubbing his back gently. I wished there was something I could do.

Finally updateddd!! Like I said sorry for keeping u hanging for like three weeks haha.
I know it's a shorter chapter but there wasn't too much too add to it. Hopefully the next chapter will be longer. Either that or it will end up being a filler chapter. Idk I'll figure it out 🤷🏼‍♀️.
Love u thanks for reading </3

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