Without hesitation John punched Desmond across the face making the man kiss the ground, he was aware of what was going to happen but he didn’t care anymore. Before Rico could react Jeff grabbed John’s arms and wrestled them behind his back. John struggled in his father’s grip but stopped when a knife came to his throat by his own mother who spoke coldly, “John, you are making this more difficult. Comply now before something happens to your family”. John glared at the two before allowing adrenaline to take over, he felt the knife cut his throat as he threw Jeff over his shoulder who fell onto his wife. The two landed on the floor. 

Scott reached forward and grabbed his brother before any more harm could come to them. Sadly, the Miles siblings were a step ahead. None of them had realised the shock collars around each of their necks. John and Virgil were the only two not to have a shock collar. Rico hit the button and soon the victims of the collars felt strong shocks into their bodies. “Stop!” Virgil cried out while he watched his younger brothers hold tightly onto one another. “We will finish what we started, if you just stop!”. No sooner after Virgil spoke did the shocks stop. Virgil and John heard the protests from everyone before looking up and meeting the Miles siblings' identical smirks, Desmond smiled at the Tracy brothers. Rico gestured John to come forward, he then proceeded to cuff John while Desmond handled Virgil whose only focus was his twin.

Once the twins were ready, Rico turned off the shock collars once they shut the door firmly without Parker going with them. Scott rushed for the door trying to open it but with no luck he moved over to his younger brothers and pulled them onto a seat where their grandma was. Grandma Tracy was sitting still as Parker looked at her collar to see if he could get it off. Colonel Casey leaned against the back wall watching her remaining god-sons who huddled together like a flock of penguins. Alan tucked in between them. Noticing that if it weren’t for his brothers, Scott would have probably been arguing with his father right about now. Talking about Jeff Tracy who sat on a futon with Lucille Tracy, the two had unreadable expressions.

It had been about four hours according to Gordon when movement outside the door caught the room’s eyes. The door opened slowly to reveal an angry looking Kayo who smiled at the room’s occupants. She caught her uncle’s eye first before moving over to the Tracy brothers and with a device she managed to get everyone’s collars off. Without warning Scott pulled Kayo into a hug which she quickly accepted before she knelt to assess the younger brothers who smiled back at her in reassurance. 

Kayo stood up and faced the room, “It was hard getting into the building but I had a little help, I don’t know if you realise but Brains isn’t here and he was taking back to Thunderbird Two for some odd reason but we can use this to our advantage. The window behind you Colonel Casey is the best way we can go and escape. Thunderbird Two is beside the building we are in and the guards around the area have been dealt with. But, we only have a short window. I hope this is okay?”. Kayo turned to face Scott knowing he would take charge. Scott then turned to Parker and spoke clearly to the room's occupants, “Parker, you will lead everyone to Thunderbird Two. Kayo and I will go and collect John and Virgil. Gordon, I need you and Alan to fly Thunderbird Two out of here and head home. Can you do that for me, please!”. Gordon hesitated but Alan beat him to it, “Scotty we will try our best, just…” “Scooter please find Johnny and Virgil  and bring them home safe”. Scott looked at his two youngest brothers who could get away with twins despite the two year age gap. Determination filled his features as he directed his response to not only his brothers but his grandma, “I will not stop until I bring the two of them home. I promise you that”. Those of the room knew what a Tracy promise meant. 

Parker directed everyone to the window but the hood stopped and walked over to Kayo and Scott who both turned to look at the man. He held a device in his hand, “Scott. Kayo, I know we don’t have the best relationship at all. But, this device I have been working on with John cloaks a person if they wear it as a bracelet. I have two which my son experimented with and they work. Please in my son's honour bring back the twins and use these devices to help you. I will keep your brothers safe until you return and we split ways”. Scott and Kayo took in every word before shaking hands with the Hood who despite his past was currently grieving but at the same time looking out for someone else’s family in dire times. Once the window had been closed behind the Hood, Kayo and Scott activated the devices on their wrists and the two were mesmerised as they walked straight past everyone. Kayo smirked, reminding herself to remember to thank her uncle later on. She noticed Scott had the same look. The two took off through the corridors looking for two particular people unaware they were being watched by one individual.

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