Just Another Day at the Base...Right?

Começar do início

Daisy: "that's great"

She walks over to Catalina and whispers something into her ear which makes Catalina laugh

Catalina walks to her room and changes into her pajamas

After, she walks over to daisy's bedroom and knocks on the door

Daisy: "hey hot stuff"

Catalina: "oh shut up"

Catalina walks in and daisy shuts the door behind her

Daisy: "did you have fun today?"

Catalina nods

Catalina: "it was fun spending time with my sister and friends, especially you"

Daisy smiles and Catalina

Both had been dating for almost4 years. Daisy went with Elena to Colombia and introduced her to Catalina. After spending some time together, they realized they had feelings for each other

Catalina: "I'm going ot miss you. I'm leaving in two days"

Daisy: "Hey, don't think about that. Let's just spend the rest of the time we have together. I know we have to keep this a secret but we have all night to spend together. Just the two of us"

Catalina smiles and Daisy kisses her

The next morning, Daisy wakes up with her arms wrapped around Catalina, Catalina snuggled up against her

Daisy looks at the clock knowing that Catalina has to sneak back into her room before everyone wakes up

Daisy: "hey, love... You have to get up"

Catalina mumbles something

Daisy: "come on, it's 5:30 and everyone is going to start waking up soon"

Catalina: I just want to spend my last day with you. I leave tomorrow"

Daisy: "I know I know"

She kisses Catalina

Daisy: "come on Cat"

Catalina groans and gets up from the bed

She grabs her short and shirt that was on the floor

She slips the shirt over her head and she slips her shorts on

Daisy does the same

She walks over to Catalina and kisses Catalina's cheek

Daisy: "get some sleep, they won't expect you up for another hour or two"

Catalina: "mhm"

She opens the door and slips out of daisy's room to her bedroom

Catalina shuts the door and lays down on the bed, falling asleep seconds later

An hour and a half passes

Catalina wakes up again, rubbing her eyes still half asleep

She walks over to the bathroom to brush her teeth and washes her face

After, she walks out of the bathroom to the kitchen where Elena is at

Elena looks up and smiles at her sister

Elena: "¿hambrienta? (hungry?)"

Catalina nods

Elena: "Hice un batido, quiero un poco (i made a smoothie, want some?"

Catalina: "que tiene en el (what does it have in it)"

Elena: "bayas congeladas, plátanos, yogur griego, leche y miel (frozen berries, bananas, greek yogurt, milk, and honey)"

Marvel Women OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora