Chapter 27 - Famous Emo

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Marci Wellington's POV

Today is the day of the party that Mr Leo Stuarts is holding for famous people. It's also the day that I might die, judging how hard Lucas is glaring at me.

"Are you going to stop staring, or do I need to wear a tinfoil hat?" I direct at him as we make eye contact through the mirror.

His gaze gets more heater as he tilts his head to the side where my bed is positioned.

Leave it to Caleb to allow a boy in my room and send Gail to play in my room simultaneously.

I roll my eyes at the thought, Older brothers.

"Hey, Abigail?" I call out to her as I drop my hairbrush on the vanity.

She hears her name, looks up and sends me a cheeky grin. She knows what her job is here, but like I always say, you'd have to outsmart me first.

"I need your advice on a song that I want to practice for my next dance video," I reach for the headphones and make my way towards her, "Listen to it and tell me what you think."

I place the headphones on her ears whilst ignoring the confused look she wears. I tap on my phone and play a lengthy playlist for her. I walk to my door to check if anyone is behind the door.

At least my brother and the rest of this household has faith in me.

"Now, what has you holding your tongues as tight as a stripper can hold their virginity?" I turn to Lucas. He looks way too serious in the suit he's wearing.

"What exactly did my dad tell you?" The solemnity in his voice allows me to know how pissed off he is, and his anger is always at a new level whenever his father is involved.

You would think that when you go behind someone's back, the second party would be smart enough to know to keep their mouth shut. I inwardly facepalm because I can picture how it played out. Lucas' father knocks on his room door and snitches on me.

Snitches get stitches.

I resist the urge to apologise because I sure as hell know that I'm not sorry.

I know that what they did to me would take a long time before I could forgive them, but I'd be damned if I allowed my parents' names to be dragged into the mud. Although I should have handled this situation better. I've been making a lot of mistakes since this year started, and I can't blame all of it on acting out. I really need to up my game and consider people's feelings. I was never a selfish person, but it's hard to know what to prioritise first.

"You saw the news last weekend, didn't you?" I raise a brow in question.

He nods begrudgingly but remains quiet.

"I didn't have much of a choice when I did that. You know that your dad is aware of the divorce. I don't how he does it, but that man would put certain Editors to shame with how he gets his information. The point is I have a plan."

"Enlighten me, Black Moses." he mocks me.

I kiss my teeth, and with narrowed eyes, as I continue, "If we show up together, it would be all over the news; the presses would think that we were dating. They should banish that thought. We would deny it but say that the war between our families is ending. Since we are both already friends and attend the same school, it wouldn't be hard to fool them."

He rubs the space between his eyebrows, "For someone who hates the presses, you want them to notice you tonight, don't you?"

"Bingo. My parents have to come to uphold their status. I will be with you for most of the night. We would be able to take most of the media coverage that would be pinning on him for most of the night." I explain to him.

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