Chapter 1 - Emo in a courtroom

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Marci Wellington's POV

The only sound that could be heard in the courtroom was the loud breaths from my cousin beside me.

Normally, I would have sent a snarky remark toward Giá. But for the last few days, nothing has felt normal.

"I now pronounce you man and woman, not bound by the rules of matrimony. You are allowed to do who and what you want. The marital home will be shared between the two of you since you equally contributed to the erecting and maintenance of the building. But if either of you wishes, you are free to move out on your own."

The courtroom was so quiet that even Giá held her breath, while I felt none in my lungs.

"Judge if I may," My Abuelo stood up. "Since the child is a minor, who does she get to stay with?"

The judge removed his glasses and cleaned the rims with the handkerchief. He settled them back onto his face before joining the remaining people in the room to eyeball me.

"Your parents were kind enough to suggest that you will be allowed to stay wherever you wish, Marcella."

I stopped myself from rolling my eyes for two reasons. One, it would be disrespectful, and two, I didn't have it in me anymore.

"Where do you like to stay from now on?"

I sighed, "Is the streets an option?"

My older brother was not having that because he stood up and addressed my paternal grandparents.

"She stays with you guys during the school week. On weekends, she can stay with me." Caleb offered to the elderly Hispanic couple.

My grandfather looked around the room and sighed. "Deal."

That was my breaking point because I pushed my seat back and stood up. Even though the floor was carpeted, the silence made it loud and clear.

I allowed myself to look into the eyes of the two people who raised me one last time, who said that no matter what happened, we would stick to each other to the end.

I started to walk towards the doors that led to the cold streets of Miami, but Diego had a firm grip on my hand.

"I'll be fine."

I didn't give him a chance to respond as I took off running.

The Hispanic family that was my adoptive relations from my dad's side had fast reflexives. I was surprised when I heard footsteps behind me, so I rapidly changed directions to lose them.

I wrapped the cloak around myself tighter as I ran down the streets of Miami. My family members shouted my name, and I heard footsteps behind me. I didn't slow down. It only edged me on.

With time the adrenaline coursing my veins was all used up, and my heart rate was too fast. Even if I decided not to slow down, my body would deem it otherwise.

I found myself in an abandoned playground, set to be demolished in a couple of days. I sat on the swing set and allowed the breeze to carry me as my thoughts went wild.

This playground was where my Mom and Dad used to bring me when I was younger before they became swamped with their various fields of work.

The smell of fireworks was still strong in the cold air, and I didn't know whether to curse out my mom. She chose the court date on the first day of the new year. I'd clap at her bravery for scarring me for life.

I could picture the headlines now.

The respective owners of Wellington records and Dinah's Delabsy have had their marriage annulled. The power couple of two and half decades is no more. In related news, their spawn ran out of the courtroom and is nowhere to be found.

"Fucking hell," I said under my breath.

"I never pegged you for having a foul mouth Maleficent." Someone whispered into my ear from behind.

I know that voice anywhere. Instead of being creeped out while sitting in an abandoned swing set, my shoulders slacked, and I inhaled.

I'd be damned if I cried.

"I never pegged you to be a stalker, but I guess the New Year has a lot of surprises for us, doesn't it?" I retorted.

Shane chuckled and pulled me up from the swing set, and we began walking around aimlessly in the park until we reached the field that stood in the middle. It had a picnic blanket in the middle of it with a few bottles of water.

"Come here often?" He nodded in response to my sarcastic question as he made us lie down on the blanket and face the sky.

Who would have thought that a private divorce would take a full day?

It's close to dusk, and if anyone was to see us, they would think we were a couple enjoying the evening in each other's company.

I let out a snort to that.

"You know, Maleficent, with everything, comes a change and with a change comes a deal which could alter that change."

I groaned, "I listened to Peyton going on about deals for three months, don't tell me I have to go through that torture again with you?"

"You do know your father's roots, right? Your heritage?" He turned his head to shoot me a look.

"Something about him losing his family and ending up here." I recount.

"I didn't know Marcel was capable of sugar coating things." He said more to himself.

"Why are you here, Shane?"

I mean, we all know why I am, but why would he be here at the exact time as me?

"Long story," He waved me off dismissively.

"We've got all night."

"Correction Maleficent," He sits up with a grin. "I got all night to stay here; you have a lot of people looking for where the hell you ran off to."

He gives me that knowing look that even though I am a rebellious teenager, I can't go against it. So I choose to change tactics.

"Pass me a bottle, would ya?"

Shane reaches the end of the blanket and gives me one of the water bottles. I sit up and take a few gulps to calm my nerves. Alcohol would have been better, but a beggar is not a chooser.

"I will only tell you this, Maleficent, don't ever be caught alone from now on and give your parents time. They are hurting as much as you are right now."

I growl, "Hurting my ass! None of us would be in this mess in the first place if my mom didn't call up a divorce. When they separated, it wasn't exactly legal, and there was still hope for them to get together. They could have simply worked out whatever issues they were having, but no she had to.."

My voice begins to crack, and Shane pulls me into his arms, making me sit on his lap. While I recite the internal mantra that I came up with since that wretched dinner.

I will not cry.

I will not cry.

I will not cry.

I will not cry.

I will not cry.

"I could have sworn the Wellington's were not a fan of tears."

Despite the situation and the tension, Shane tries to ease it away, and I am grateful for it.

"You got that right."

"So what now?"

I mumble onto his shoulder, "I can bet my dad's Hispanic family is already looking for me not to even talk of what Caleb is doing right now."

He hums and leans back to get a good view of my face, "Everything will work out in the end, Maleficent, you'll see." He leans forward and kisses my forehead.

I can only hope that he is right.

There we have it, folks, the beginning of Pacts. Bear with me, please. Updates will be infrequent since I'm still recovering from school, but as I said earlier, the wait will be worth it.

So, thoughts? Theories?

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