Chapter 25 - Emo as a Tutor

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Marci Wellington's POV

Monday should have been better after everything, but I'm close friends with a pessimistic aspiring Priest; I was on my top guard today.

Since I walked into school this morning, everything has looked normal. As normal as it can get to the home of Grim stone's Grizzlies.

No one is making sarcastic remarks at my friends and me. Not that I can't dish it out right back. Everyone is practically keeping away from us, and I honestly prefer it.

Only if I can get the basketball jocks to do the same to Nate.

After last night, the confident Nathan Pierce came back.

Nathan gave me a heartwarming kiss when my cousins and I walked into the school this morning. He's been holding my hand all day and making me laugh at any opportunity he got. Now that it's time for my English class and he's walking me towards it.

"I just don't get it," I mutter under my breath for only Nate to hear as we make our way through the sea of the student body.

"What's that?" His interest shifts from bobbing his head to the music from his earphones to me.

"We were supposed to have a series of tests today, but both of our Biology and Mathematics teachers seem to have forgotten," I grumble.

He tweaks my nose with a grin, "Leave it to you to get upset about a late test."

I've always wanted to be the valedictorian of my class; I agree I might be a low-key nerd, but I still have other ambitions.

Even though she was not there for me as much as I had wanted her to be, I also wanted to follow in my mom's footsteps and be a fashion designer, but that dream will wait.

Immediately Nate and I arrive at the door of my English class; he kisses my lips and whispers, "I'll see you later."

He walks away from me, and I can't help but stare at his retreating figure.

I get nudged to the corner, and a note slips into my hand, "If you don't pick your jaw from the floor, the plant laboratory will have a new species of a fly-eating plant." It reads.

With a dirty look, I walk into the class and see the culprit ballsy enough to poke the bear.

His feet were up on my desk with his hands crossed behind his head; a big smile rested on his lips, and was it not for the fact that I am plotting his death in ten different ways; I reluctantly would tell you that he might have made a beautiful picture of an obnoxious child.

"Care to share why you're PMSing early?" I crossed my hands on my torso as I addressed the dumbass right before my eyes.

He cracked open one of his eyes, and his smile grew wider, "I wanted to check in on one of my favourite people," He removed his legs from my desk and put his palms on it, "Is that a crime, Marci?"

"What is a crime is that the condom factory didn't send me an apology letter when your parents brought you here." I huff.

"I come bearing news." He motions for me to step closer.

I narrowed my eyes on him but still complied with his request, "Xena wanted me to ask about the progress of the deal both of you made."

I bend my head towards his ear, "I'm working on it. Tell her thanks for upholding her end. Please do my eyes a favour and scream, would ya?"

I stand up straight and flick my head toward the door. He obliges, but before he finally exits, he hollers for the whole class to hear, "Did you guys catch this weekend's news?"

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