Chapter 21 - Detective Emo

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Marci Wellington's POV

After telling the rest of my little family that I was okay, I make my way back into the rival school and head straight to the indoor basketball court.

The sound of balls slamming against the floor and squeaky sneakers were the only confirmation I needed that Ian was still here.

I opened the door and walked in quietly. I tiptoed to the bleachers and observed him from where I sat.

His back was shining with sweat, but a few scars were more than visible; his hair was slick at the sides and with the way he was heavily breathing, it didn't take a magician to wave a wand and write 'pissed off athlete' on his forehead.

He dribbled the ball between his legs before sprinting for the hop, a quick layup, and the team captain made a dunk so hard that he broke the hoop.

"Great shot Michael Jordan." A sly smile rested on my lips as I made my presence known.

He tensed for a split second but continued to bounce the ball on the ground, "What are you doing here, Wellington?"

"I went on an adventure and decided to check up on Boots," I replied.

He smiles fondly at the ball in his hands, "You always were a trouble seeker, you and Giá."

"I guess this is the part where we make small talk while you pretend that I'm not your former best friend's cousin."

I never said subtlety was my speciality; I can't even fake it till I make it. And that's saying something, coming from me.

"Go home, Marci." The command was quiet, but it was there.

I cock my brow at him, "I know it's not in my place to tell you this, but you dropped something."

He finally turns to look at me, and I see a guy who looks frustrated with how his life is going but is just going along with it for now. I might be reading too much into it, but I don't have much to work with here.

"If you want to stick your nose in a place it doesn't belong, be my guest. But I advise you to leave and do it in a safe place." His tone is rigid, and because I'm not as stubborn as I used to be, I'll allow him to have his way for now.

I get up from my place on the bleachers and make my way toward the exit. All the while Ian had his eyes trained on me. I say one last thing to him before I walk through the open door.

"I might be acting nosy, but if you really wanted to get over what happened, I suggest you grow a pair and approach the situation before you all graduate and go off to college with resentment towards each other."

His words echoed before the door to the indoor court closed, "I wonder who put you up to this?"

I walk back in, "Does it really matter?"

He holds the ball to his side and rolls his eyes, "If my memory serves me well, you would only do this if you got something profitable or useful out of this."

"Are you trying to call me a selfish person?" I point my index finger to my chest in mock annoyance.

He raises his hands, "You're a smart girl, Marci, but I've been at this game longer than you. Experience always triumphs over Wits in the end. Even though you want to play dumb in this whole shit show, the rumours around school about you and your gang need your attention before this, don't they?"

A frown coats my face because he almost has me where he wants me.

Almost being the keyword.

"And I have that figured out. You know I should be threatening you about what is wrong with your team players, but I think that hatchet has already been buried." I divert the topics.

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