The brunette was cut off as her phone began to ring, the shrill high-pitched tone for Stiles' contact that she'd grown accustomed to. She hurriedly fumbled around in her pockets, pressing answer & speakerphone all in a few seconds.

"Rachel?" Stiles yelled into the phone, sounding as though he were struggling,

"Tell me Derek's okay?"


"Stay alive." Rachel snapped, ending the call & pushing herself up out of the desk chair. She wasn't about to sit around & talk, when her brother & ex-best-friend were dying. She didn't care if both of them hated her; she couldn't stand to lose either of them.

Seeing that she was about to fall, Isaac hurriedly rushed over & caught her. The brunette glared at him, muttering a few curse words whilst the teen wolf questioned, "Where the hell do you think you're going? You can't even stand on your own!"

"Derek & Stiles need help." She stated obviously, pushing him away as she stood easily with all her weight on one leg. Rachel couldn't say with 100% honestly that she was ready for another fight, but she was fairly sure she could reflect again, and that was all that mattered.

"How are you gonna help them when you're like this? Especially when Derek's the one who caused all of this." He gestured to the array of unhealed wounds on her face, and her broken ankle. "He'll be fine.

"If you haven't noticed, Derek's the only family member I have left." Rachel hissed, narrowing her eyes at him. "He could throw me off a bridge, and I'd probably still love him."


"If you don't let me go, I'm gonna throw you off a bridge." She spoke firmly, limping over to the doorway. She'd managed approximately three steps before nearly falling, once again being caught by Isaac; who was growing annoyed with her determination. But she wasn't giving up. Anger & determination, a poisonous combination, surged through her veins, and at this point; any arguments became invalid. Rachel knew she could reflect again, she was willing to bet her eyes were already a metallic silver as she spun around to glare at Isaac. "I'm not as helpless as you seem to think."

"Then I'm coming with you." He muttered, watching in amazement as silver turned to yellow & the cuts on her face began to heal. An array of cracks & snaps echoed throughout the hollow room, alongside a pained cry as her ankle healed back together. The pain soon ceased, leading the brunette to stand steadily on both feet without help.

"No you're not. You are going to stay here like the little fugitive you are." Rachel half-smiled, stepping out of the doorway & shutting the door. Before Isaac had a chance to open it, she wedged a chair beneath the handle, then proceeded to jab a bobby pin in the lock. It wasn't that she didn't want or need his help; it was that she didn't want him in a life-threatening situation after what she'd seen this morning.

He was a worse fighter than Erica; and that was saying a lot.


Rachel arrived at the school not long after leaving the warehouse, still struggling to focus her senses in order to find Stiles & her brother. Between the yells from the lacrosse field, the screeching of brakes from a mile away; she could hear everything. Not only that, she could smell everything, too. Gasoline inside cars, cheap shampoo likely used by someone walking a few blocks away, hell, she could even smell the asphalt beneath her feet. She knew it was tough for new wolves, but if this was really how it was for Isaac; she had no idea how he wasn't insane by now.

In the run of the fifteen minutes she'd been trying to control herself, Rachel had acquired a migraine equivalent to a hammer being slammed against her skull. The worst part, was that not even her anchor could help to keep her grounded. It was different with every person, particularly werewolves; it was easier if she knew them & their methods of remaining in control. She knew Derek & Scott; making it easy for her to reflect them whenever she needed power. But she knew nothing about Isaac, other than his dad; who she really wished she could forget.

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