I let go of a giggle as I saw the two of them. They looked the complete opposite: Kakashi was usually calm and composed, on the quiet side, and Gai was loud and eager. Kakashi was always aloof, and Gai was effusive. They did make an interesting pair, to say the least.

"Gai," I called him, gaining his attention "you said eternal rivals? I thought you were friends?"

"We are! He is my best friend and eternal rival!" he said. I sighed, not quite understanding how that could work. Kakashi rolled his eyes, which also made me think he didn't agree much with him. But he didn't say anything nevertheless and continued to seemingly pay no attention. Gai also seemed to notice my confusion "Ever since we met I challenge him to see who's the most youthful of us! He's won 10 times and lost 3..." he said the last part lower, or well, taking into account Gai's usual tone he said it normally. I nodded, understanding a little bit better their relationship "I know! Kakashi, I challenge you right now!" he suddenly said with shining eyes as if he just had a brilliant idea. Kakashi clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes.

"No," he said uninterested, which bothered Gai but only made him more adamant to challenge him.

"C'mon! I'll let you choose the challenge!" Gai begged. Kakashi this time flat-out ignored him while he looked at his fingernails and then at the people around the shop.

"Are you afraid you'll lose, Kakashi?" I asked. He snapped his head to me with a frown "Gai seems quite strong" I said with a badly hidden cunning smile. It seemed to tick off Kakashi as one of his frowning brows twitched.

"I'm not," he said through greeted teeth, arching his brow to me. Gai seemed to beam even more joyous after my compliments.

"My eternal rival would never be scared!" Gai said. 'You're not helping yourself here, Gai' I sweat-dropped as Kakashi continued to look attentively at me with his scarred brow arched.

"Well, I don't know. Why else would he refuse? You look the most... youthful to me" I said to Gai.

"Fine," Kakashi huffed, straightening his back "What do you want me to beat you in again"

"Let's race!" Kakashi sighed heavily, running his hand through his already messy silver hair but he stood up and accepted.

He counted to three and they disappeared immediately. They were so fast I didn't even see them leave the shop. I just felt a heavy gust of wind as they sprinted off. I smiled as I looked at the outside of the shop. Even if Kakashi looked all aloof and cold, he actually cared. And it made me happy to know he did have friends.

My smile faded away after a minute in which I realized I was left alone. I looked around, seeing that everyone was with friends, family, or their loved ones, and I was sitting alone at a table with empty dishes. 'Will they come back?' I thought, sweat-dropping again and unsure whether I should wait.

"(Y/n)?" A girl's voice broke my train of thoughts. I looked up and saw a black-haired girl: Miu. Behind her stood two girls, among whom was Miko, and two other boys. I blinked and got slightly nervous when the five of them were looking at me with tilted heads or curious eyes "I didn't expect to see you here. What are you doing by yourself?"

"Miu, Miko, hi" I quickly composed myself "I was..." I stopped when I realized that none of the people I was with were around anymore, and no matter what I said I would look like a weirdo "with some friends but they walked out for a moment" I came up with a reasonable and simple explanation "Come, sit if you want" I smiled, still feeling kind of bad from how I had treated them and wanting to mend things.

"Thank you, (Y/n)!" Miko said, sitting down with the rest of the group "This is Gina, she is from our class" she introduced the other girl who, like her, had dyed blonde hair. Gina greeted me with a closed-eye smile and I did the same "And these are Shin and Shun" she introduced the two boys who looked kind of alike. I figured they would be twins. They greeted me with a half-hearted wave of their hands and I bobbed my head in acknowledgment.

Alone together [Kakashi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now