Chapter Seventeen

Mulai dari awal

I ask with a sick smile.

The rogue states at me in bewilderment. I chuckle and take a seat of my own in front of him.

"We'll start out simple. What's your name?"

I ask listening to his heart rate waiting for it to falter.

He glares at me while answering,


I crossed one leg over the other and leaned back some.

"Let me rephrase for you. What's your FULL name?"

I finished as I gave him a glare of my own.

He growled at me but I sat unbothered and quite annoyed already.

"Do you need help remembering?"

I said with a dark chuckle.

He gulped and shook his head no at me while glancing at the table with all sorts of torture weapons.

"Then I suggest you speak. My patience wears thin these days"

I said with a snarl.

"Zack Prescott"

He said hurriedly.

Turning toward the guard at the door I mind linked him to head to our tech team headquarters and have them run Zack's name through every system.

With a nod he left. Leaving me alone with the rogue.

"So Zack, who are you taking orders from. Earlier you mentioned someone being right. Who's right about what then?"

I asked with a low tone.

He shook his head and said,

"I can't tell you who. He'll kill me if I told you that!"

I laughed darkly and stood up taking a threatening step towards him bending slightly so he could see my anger. My eyes turning black.

"I don't think you realize what I'LL do to you if you don't answer me Zack."

I said as I walked over to the table.

He started to shake where he sat and I couldn't give a single fuck.

"You have ten seconds to start speaking before I make my mind up on where to start with these"

I said in an emotionless tone, continuing to stare at the different tools.

He started breathing heavily, contemplating which was the worse evil. This mystery guy, or me.

"I can tell you what he was right about, but I can't give you anything else"

He breathed out quickly.

"And what is it that this guy seems to be right about Zack?"

I said lowly with a growl.

The rogue released a sigh of relief. Oh, if only he knew.

"All I know is that you're something more than you let on.You're aura is stronger. You're hiding something about yourself and he knows."

He finished with a huff.

Luna was present immediately. Our anger coursing through our veins. I was seething at this point. Who in the fuck would know about me other than Theo.

Picking up a simple, silver knife while bare handed. I walked over to Zack.

Masking my emotions I smirked at him and said,

"Thank you for being honest Zack,"

I then jammed the knife in his thigh. He screamed for dear life.

I could smell the burning of his skin with the silver knife shoved deep into his muscle. That must hurt.

Bending down to his eye level I looked at him and said with a deep growl,

"-but I'm gonna need more than that"

His breathing was heavy and his face was scrunched up in pain.

Standing back to my full height I took a step back.

"Who's the guy Zack? And why did he send you to watch me?"

I asked monotonously.

He sat there breathing deeply, but refused to talk more.

"Don't get shy on me now, you don't want to see me bored"

I smirked while walking back towards the table with tools.

I glanced over at him to see if he was gonna budge. Guess not.

Grabbing an oldie but a goodie called the Spanish Tickler I looked at him.

The Spanish tickler is a set of silver claws the when dig into the flesh it's sharp enough to get to bone. What hurts most is when you pull it out. It takes muscle tissue and other big chunks of flesh with it.

I walked over to where Zack sat and grabbed his jaw with my hand, making him look at me.

"One last chance Zack, who are you taking orders from and why has he sent you to watch me?"

I said with a growl.

He looked up at me and spit on my cheek.

Fine. Have it your way motherfucker.

I wiped my cheek off and drove the claws into his stomach.

Pulling them out slowly I heard him mumble.

"Sorry, you were saying?"

I said sarcastically as I bent down closer to his face.

"Fuck. You."

He said breathlessly.

I laughed darkly.

"I love it when you boys talk dirty to me"

I then punched him in the lower jaw, knocking him out cold.

I mind linked the guard at the door to take him to a cell and clean up.

After pulling the knife out of his thigh I threw it on the table and walked out.

I'm hungry now.


Hey guys! I hope you liked this update! Don't forget to comment like and share!!! Until next time loves!!!

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 18, 2022 ⏰

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