Chapter 12

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Y/n pov:

As I came home after one days from staying at my moms place I finally had the courage to go home, I can feel my body burning. Seeing Levi with that bitch inside our house.

"What is she doing here!?" I asked Levi who is in the kitchen, while petra is peacefully sitting in our couch.

"It's raining outside, she'll get sick" I scoffed.

He is worried about her? What about me I'm sick too?.

I shook my head and decided to get some water.

"Why won't you drink from the pitcher in the fridge?''.

Well I don't want to drink toilet water.

I just shook my head, "let's meet in the court, 9 am sharp tomorrow" he told me.

My knees feel weak as I watch that petra and Levi talked about what ever the hell they are in to, while watching the rain from outside.

"Y/n!" My mom called from outside.

My eyed widened, what is she doing here?.

"Mom" I called her and motioned her in.

"Who is this?" my mom asked raising her eyebrows at Petra as she went to the living area.

"Oh, she is my friend"Levi told my mom.

I scoffed and went to the kitchen to get a glass of wine for me and my mom.

Another evil idea came to my mind.

"Levi, you should buy us some take out" I asked Levi, it took him a few seconds before nodding and took his wallet from the drawer "I'll be back in a bit" he told us before he went out, leaving me with petra and my mom.

I smirked as she just sat there looking down. I gave my mom the wine glass and she smiled in response.

Holding my glass of wine while sitting across petra just watching her.

"So you're Levi's friend right?" My mom started to asked her.

"Yes, ma'am" she spoke looking at my mom. She looked so nervous.

"Are you y/n's friend too?" She looked at me and shook her head.

I scoffed and laugh a bit "oh trust me, mom I wouldn't want to be friends with her"

My mom walked towards her and stared at her face.

"I'm getting bad vibes just looking at your face" petra looked down again.

"Are you sure your just Levi's friend?"she nodded slowly.

My mom scoffed "you know I despise liar's so much".

She snapped her fingers infront of petra making her close her eyes. This bitch is easy to scare

"You know I can sense that you're a side chick" her eyes widened while I smirked. She shook her head as she tried to explain shit.

I just drank from my wine as my mom talk shit about her.

"Don't you try to ruin my daughter's marriage or you will be living in soil".

She stood up "with all you respect ma'am I love Levi and I will take care of him better than your daughter did" I rolled my eyes as I look away.

I laughed "does Levi love you?" I asked her making her stop in her tracks.

My mom smirked and stood Infront of her towering her down.

My mom is a beauty queen when she was younger. When she had me she still stayed in the modeling industry. Until now she is still the highest paid model in her industry.

"How sure are you that levi wouldn't leave you?".

She faced my mom's face "I'm one hundred percent sure that he will choose me after his divorce" she said with a certain tone, that annoyed the shit out of me.

"If you're that sure, be careful there are other bitches like you out there" I said making her raise an eyebrow.

"You know men they settle with the ones that stay, but once he found comfort in a different arms then your trash".

She lift her hand ready to slap my mom, which made me stood up and gripped her arm.

"Don't you dare lay a finger on my mother or you will never forget this day".

"I-im sorry" her voiced cracked

"Leave! before I couldn't handle my anger and you'll come home bald".

She came out and ran outside.

I walked towards my mom and held her tight.

My mom will always be by my side what ever happens, so I will protect her no matter what.

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