Chapter 3

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Y/n pov:

I was crying while washing the dishes. I cooked Levi's favorite food, I even made his favorite tea.

He just ignored the fact that I'm trying my best for him to understand my point of view, but he never wants to listen.

I wiped my tears and went to Levi's office.

I'm not that drunk just a little tipsy.

As I was walking towards his office, he looked at me and sighed.

"What do you want y/n?" he asked as his gaze is still in the computer.

I walked towards him and tried to get his attention by caressing his shoulders.

I tried to kiss him, but it's all empty and bland he didn't even kissed me back.

He tried to push me away, but I held his cheek and continue kissing him even if he's not kissing me back.

The kiss doesn't feel anything all. I feel his wrath and hatred towards me.

This where I felt embarrassed. I stopped kissing him and cried.

"Are you done?" I wiped my tears and slowly walked towards the door.

As I closed his door I could feel my knees really weak.

I lost my control and sat Infront of his door while crying like a lost child.

Pulling my self together, I went to the bathroom and looked at my face in the mirror.

I don't know my self anymore, this is not me.

The old me knows her worth and now I feel worthless.

Looking in the mirror I tried to smile, but all I can see is fake smile.

Walking towards the shower room, I sat in the cold floor while the shower is on.

The cold water freezing my skin, I cried as the cold water started to hurt my skin.

I don't know what to do anymore, I'm trying my best to be the same y/n that Levi met, but I couldn't anymore.

I'm scared that, the day will come and he will give me divorce papers.

I don't know what to do if that day happened.

I woke up feeling really weak, I sighed and went to the kitchen.

Surprisingly Levi is here, he is cooking breakfast.

"You could've just woke me up. I can cook for you" he shook his head.

"This is my payment because you wasted your time cooking for me".

I sighed and did all my routine.

When he's done he ask me to sit down and we started eating silently.

No one spoke or say anything, just dead silence.

After eating I stood up and walked towards him.

I was about to kiss him, but he stood up and went to his office leaving me in the kitchen with my mouth pouting a little.

I closed my eyes trying my best not to cry.


I already know he is not coming home so I'm going to stay in my mom's place.

"Y/n, I need to talk to you" I nodded and faced her.

"I don't want you to get hurt, but the possibility is possible" I raised an eyebrow.

"Please mom just tell me".

"You need to prepare yourself so when the day co-" I cut her off.

"Please just say it".

"When he wants divorce, I want you to prepare yourself" I scoffed trying my best not to cry.

"He wouldn't do that I know him, he loves me, he's just mad." I started to cry.

"We don't know that, y/n. I just want you to prepare yourself" I shook my head and went to my old room

I know he wouldn't do this to me.

I know him.

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