Chapter Seventeen

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"Did you pack everything?" I heard Mildred's voice asking. "Yes." I answered.


It was my first time traveling with an airplane.. Actually it was my first time traveling. I was a little scared but the excitement was bigger.

I sat next to Mildred. She was genuinely excited and I could tell that by the look on her face. It made me happy.. She made me happy.

The flight was terrifing. I felt like I was going to suffocate. Breathing was not an easy thing while flying.. At least not for me. Mildred seemed perfectly fine. Actually, she was enjoying it. As she saw my worried expression she put her hand on my tight and started rubbing it slowly. "It's okay, baby. I'm here" she whispered into my ear before placing a soft kiss on my cheek. It kinda made my fear go away. Of course, it wasn't gone for good, but Mildred made me forget about it. Funny how she always made me forget things.

When we finally arrived, I got off the plane and almost kissed the ground. Mildred let out a chuckle at my sudden change of emotions. "What's so funny?" I asked. Letting out another chuckle, she answered with an amused tone "Nothing."

I took a look around. There were lots of people greeting their family and friends. Seeing how happy they were made me a little sad. I didn't had a family anymore. I couldn't call them a true family. The only family I had was Mildred. She was a part of me. A part of my heart.. Making blood circulate through my veins... She made me feel alive.

As we were in a taxi, I couldn't help but admire the view. Everything looked so charming.. Almost like we were in a story.

I took Mildred's hand in mine. The hapiness on her face made me feel like home. I could've lived on the streets with Mildred and she would still make me feel like home.

"Um.. So where are we going?" I asked Mildred. She didn't want to tell me when I asked her before.. She said it's a surprise so I tought this time she would tell me but I was wrong. "I told you! It's a surprise." she said. Even tho I didn't look at her, I could hear her smiling.

Turning my head to hers, I give her a soft kiss on the lips. "Did that made you change your mind?" I asked while smirking. She let out a laugh, and shook her head "You really aren't going to give up, are you?" I just let out a chuckle and gave her another kiss.

"Ugh- please let me see." I groaned. Mildred covered my eyes with her hands. "Nuh-uh. It's a surprise!" she laughed. I smiled.

Suddently, she took her hands away and I was shocked to see a huge house in front of me. "Mildred I-" my voce came out as a whisper. I had no words to describe what I was feeling in that moment. "It's.. It's lovely. I- I have no words." I admitted, still looking with admiration at the house. Mildred smiled and said "Well.. Are you going to get in or do you choose to stay outside?." I chuckled and entered the house. "Woah.. I-" Before finishing my sentance, I get intrerrupted by Mildred's soft lips attacking mine. The kiss was intense.. I brought my tongue at the top of hers, asking for access. She parted her lips, letting me explore every inch of her mouth. Her hands moved to my waist, moving them up and down. Suddently, they moved under my shirt, grabbing one of my boobs. I let out a small moan and kissed Mildred. She unbuttoned my bra and I was quick to do the same for her. Soon, we were both naked. She was kissing my neck but I suddently pushed her away a bit and started to suck on her neck. She let out moans of pleasure, making me go even more far away. I took her nipple between my fingers and started playing with it.

I gently pushed her on the sofa and moved my kisses down to her stomach. When I reached at the end of her stomach I stopped and I looked into her eyes. She just nodded and I quickly ran my toungue trough her wet folds. She let out a small wimper. I started to rub her clit, and she started to moan. When I felt like she was on the edge, I suddently added two fingers inside of her, causing Mildred to scream my name. When she approached her orgasm, I slowed my movements, letting her ride it.

We were now on the beach watching the sunset. We just had dinner at a resturant and after that we decided to go on a walk. "It's.. Beautiful" Mildred whispered while watching the sea. "Not as beautiful as you.." I said remembering she said that to me a few months ago too. She looked at me with a soft look as she moved her arms to my waist, pullling me closer to her. I moved mine around her neck. We stood in silence for a moment.. Just looking in eachother's eyes. "I love you, y/n." Mildred whispered, still looking into my eyes. "I love you too, Millie" I said.


After 3 years..

"Millie, I'm home." I yelled, making my way to the kitchen, knowing Mildred was probably in there. She was cooking. "Mm.. Smells amazing." I said. She turned to me and started to smile. "Hi, baby. How was work?" she asked. "Great." I answered.

I worked as an english teacher and Mildred had found a job as a nurse for children.

Mildred was my saviour. The saviour of my whole life. She saved me so many times in lots of different ways. Living with her made me realize that she's my happy ending. She will always be, and I love her more than anything on this world...


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