Chapter Eight

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I woke up to the strong light coming from the window, with nothing but a headache. When I open my eyes I notice I'm not in my room from the Lucia State Hospital anymore.

"Y/n?" I hear a voice calling my name. Once I recognize Mildred's voice, I try to get up to see her but a huge pain that comes from my stomach stops me. I groan as I immediately lay back on the bed.

As she sees my actions, Midred moves her chair closer to my bed and takes my cold hand in hers. "I'm here." she says.

"W-what happened?" I ask, obviously not knowing where the pain from my somach came from.

"You don't remember anything?" asks Mildred. I shook my head. "At the ball... Dolly.. She shoot you." as she says these words I suddently get a flashback. Everything that happened last nigh.. Every detail.. Everything seemed to move so fast yet so slow. I remember everyone's faces. How they were scared. How I didn't even feel the bullet going through my skin. And then.. The whole world went black.

I had no words. Dolly betrayed me. I tought we were friends.. She helped me getting ready for the ball and then.. She shoot me? But why?

"How are you feeling?" Mildred asks me.

"Like I've been shoot." I answer and she lets out a little chuckle. I smile. I love hearing her laugh. As I look at our hands, I notice that they are still mated. Mildred squeezes my hand and then moves closer to my face. As her soft lips brush mines I feel how a firework of emotions exploded in my body. As we break apart we keep eye contact for long. I could look into her dark and brown eyes for the rest of my life.



"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course, darling." I feel my face burn at the name. As soon as she notices, Millie smirks wich makes me blush even more.

"W-" but before I get to finish my sentance, we hear a knock at the door and after a few seconds, a nurse comes in.

"Miss Y/l/n, I'm so glad to see you awake. How are you feeling?" She asks while coming to change my bandages.

"I- I'm okay." I say, giving her a weak smile wich she returns.

After she finishes changing my bandages, the nurse excuses herself and leaves the room leaving me and Mildred alone.

"What were you going to ask me?" Asks Millie.

"Oh.. I forgot.." I lie. I believe Mildred noticed something's off but she decided not to ask. After that, we sit in a long but comfortable silence.


"Mildred" I finally break the silence. As she brings her attention at me, I continue. "I was wondering.. After I'm going to get out of this hospital.. Where I'm I going to stay? I- My mother would never get me back. "

"You're coming with me. Of course. I live in a motel for now but it will be a good place until we're going find a place for the both of us." she answers.

"We?... Y- you want us to m-move together?" I ask complitely shocked.

"Of course.. Only if you would like to.." Mildred answers a little nervous this time.

I just smile and look at her. "I'd love to."


New chapterrr!! Sorry if this was a little boring but we gotta wait for Y/n to get out of the hospital ;) Alsoo I apologize for not updating lately! I've been so busy studying for school. I'll try to update more 😌 ly. <3

Ratched x reader जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें