Chapter Five

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I woke up at the feeling on a hand gently caressing my face. I open my eyes and notice nurse Ratched sitting on the edge of the bed next to me. I start to panick. "It's okay. You're safe now. I promise! I'm here." she tries to comfort me. I realize she's just trying to help me so I calm down a little. I wanted to scream but I couldn't so instead I started to cry. "Shh.. It's going to be okay." the nurse says. I take her hand, not wanting her to leave. She smiles and keeps caressing my face.. It hurts a lot but I don't want her to stop.

A few minutes passed by and we sat in the same position "How are you feeling, sweetheart?" sweetheart I repeat the word in my head. "I- I" I try to speak but fail. The beautiful woman comes closer to me and places a kiss on my forehead. "Its okay. I understand." I felt gosebumps all over my body. "Are you cold?" she asks me. I quickly nod, not wanting her to figure out what really happened. The nurse took a blanket and wrapped me up with it. She was so caring. "T-thank you!" I finally said. She smiles and says "Alright.. I'll give you some privacy." I take her hand. "Please stay. I- I don't want to be alone." I say, feeling a tear starting to fall. She brought her hand and wiped it away. "Okay, I'll stay with you."

She was looking at me with her brown eyes. She was really beautiful.. At that moment I realized I was starting to catch feelings for the nurse and I couldn't stop myself. "Y/n?"  "Yes?" I answer. "May I ask you a question? You don't have to answer it if you don't want to.." she says. "Okay.. I'm listening."  "I was wondering who brought you here.. In this place." I wait for a moment to think about it and decided to tell her the truth. "It was my mom.. Um- we had a complicated relationship so when I told her I like womens she had found the perfect reason to send me here.." I say trying to hold my tears back. "I'm sorry" she says. "For what? It's not your fault I'm here. It's my fault.." I answer. The woman brings ber hands to my face and cups it. "Don't blame this on yourself. It's not your fault you are like this. You shouldn't be ashamed by who you are.. You can't change it." She says. "People like you don't belong in here.. I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you in the bathtub" she continues, trying not to cry. "It's just- I don't want to lose this job- and-... I'm really sorry."  "It's okay. I'm fine now.. I don't expect anything from you.. You don't owe me anything." I say. She looks at me with her watery eyes and then she starts crying. I went in for a hug wich she accepted. As she buried her face into my neck I could smell her scent.. She smelled like vanilla. I could stay like this for hours.

After a while she looked into my eyes. She was so close to my face.. I could feel her warm breath over my lips. I wanted to kiss ber so bad but I was afraid she would just run away and never talk to me again. She started to get closer and closer. As her face was only 1 inch away from mine we heard someone heading to my room. She tried to wipe away her dried tears and she got up from the bed. The person who just opened the door was nurse Bucket. "Hello miss y/l/n! I came here to ask you how are you feeling." she says. "How do you expect her to feel after you just boiled her in a tub?!" nurse Ratched asks. She was so angry. "I don't know! That's probably why I asked miss y/l/n to tell me." the older nurse says with an annoyed tone and looks at me. Nurse Ratched just rolls her eyes. "I um- I'm feeling okay..." I answer. "Alright then! I'll go for now but I'll be back tomorow to check on you again." she says and walks out of the room followed by nurse Ratched. I was alone.

I was waiting in my room for like 2 hours and I started to get bored so I decided to go to the day room to read a book. I sat on the couch and opened my book. I really like this book. Nurse Ratched was right.. It is a good one. As I think about that I remember what happened in my room. I try not to think about it and keep reading but it was impossible. I had so many toughts in my mind. I decide to put the book away and I started looking trough the day room. As I look into the room I see nurse Ratched sitting on a chair and watching the patients. For a moment she looked into my eyes but then quickly looked away. I was confused and scared about that. I didn't know what to do. After a while I decide to go talk to her. "Hello" I say as I sit on a chair next to the beautiful nurse. "Is there something I can help you with?" she asks with a cold tone. "Uh- not really.. I-" I try to say but she intrerrupts me. "Then I don't see the reason why you're talking to me" she keeps the same cold tone. I look at her with tears in my eyes. I decide to head to my room, not wanting her to see me like this. Before I go I say "I- I'm sorry" and start running to my room. As I get there I sit on my bed and start crying. I was angry, sad and confused at the same time. What did I do wrong? Why is she acting good to me and then she just becomes cold? I had so may questions. I brought my knees to my chest and burried my face in them. I started sobbing while I was thinking at what just happened. I stayed like that for what felt like hours.

Suddently the door opens. I don't even bother to look up, knowing it was nurse Ratched. "Its bed time" the familiar voice says. I don't say anything. I just wait for her to leave the room but she doesn't. I could hear she was getting closer to my bed and after a few seconds I felt how she sat on the bed next to me. "Y/n?" I slowly look up. "I'm sorry" I say. She looks at me and takes my hand in hers. "You shouldn't be. I am the one who should apologize. I'm so sorry, y/n. I shouldn't have treat you that way." she says. "Why are you always like this? One day you're being nice to me and suddently the next day you ignore me. You always bulid a wall around yourself and never let anybody in. Ever!" I said crying but also feeling angry. She looks at me with tears in her eyes. "I'm s-sorry. I- I'm afraid. I'm afraid of people thinking I'm weak and- I don't want them to benefit about that. I'm so sorry... I hope you can forgive me for everything." and with that she starts crying. "I'm so tired.. All the running and all the lying.... And.. The things I've done. I know the difference between right and wrong, and still I've  done things that even I can not believe" she says. I started to feel bad for her and I couldn't help myself so I went to give her a hug. "I'm sorry, y/n.."   "Its okay! Don't worry" I answer trying to comfort her. She buries her head in the crook of my neck and keeps crying. I felt really bad for what I said but it was true.

After she stopped crying she looked into my eyes. Heat rose from my stomach to my chest. Her lips were getting closer and closer. My whole body tingled. She decided to finally break the gap between us. The time stopped when her lips met mines. My heart pounded in my chest as my knees got weaker. It felt like a dream. Everything was perfect. We both stopped because we needed air. We stared into each others eyes for what felt like weeks. She started to smile. With one hand I started to caress her cheek. We were smiling the whole time.

"I have to go" she says a little sad. "Okay.. I'll see you tomorow!" I answer. She smiles and comes closer to me saying "Good night y/n" and then gives me a kiss. "Good night, miss!" "Please call me Mildred" she says. I smile and nod. She then walks out the door.

I lay on my bed and start thinking about the perfect day I just had.


1524 words :) I hope you enjoyed this chapter. ❤️

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