Chapter Twelve

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It was 5:45 pm. The sun was beginning to set and I was overthinking about what was going to happen. My body was filled with both: panick and fear. It was almost dark outside when I was making my way to the restaurant. The cool breeze made me feel goosebumbs all over my skin.

As I got to the diner I noticed no one was there. A wave of relief washed all over my body. 'Maybe they decided it was a bad ideea..' was what I tought, but the wave full of relief had soon changed into a wave of terror when I heard a voice of a man calling my name. "Y/n!" his voice was low and creppy.. Almost like the voice of a dinosaur.. I immediately recognized the voice. Oh.. I could never forget it. It was Daniel.

Daniel and me used to be good friends. I tought he was the perfect man.. I was wrong. He decided we should be in a relationship because 'we' re meant to be together'. I didn't discover my love for women back then so I tought he was right. I tought we would be perfect together. Indeed.. It was perfect in the beginning. He was nice and careful with me. As I said.. I tought he was perfect so after months, when he proposed to me I said yes without any hesitation. The nice and careful side had soon changed when we got married. He started to drink and go to clubs 'with his friends' everyday while I was forced to clean the house and cook for him. Of course I wasn't dumb. I knew he was probably cheating on me. When he came home he would always find a reason to yell at me. Most of the time he was abusive too. One time, he came home from work drunk and told me to give him some food. I did and after he tasted it he started to yell at me because it didn't had enough salt. That's when he hit me for the first time. After that, he got used to it and started to hit me almost everyday. I wanted to run.. I tried to, but everytime I did my legs would stick to the floor and my brain would say 'you deserve it. Just accept your life'. I believed them...
After years I found someone. Someone who understood me. The woman was my neighbor. We were good friends. She stood with me when he wasn't home. I felt happy with her. Once, she came to visit me but she was different.. I could see the love in her eyes. I felt a huge connection between us. When she leaned in and kissed me, I felt something that I've never did before. It felt wrong but amazing at the same time. Of course my husband had to ruin everything. When he saw us making out he hit me and her. He banished her outside and kept on hitting me. He hit me so hard that after a while I didn't even felt the pain anymore. After that.. He told my mother and well... That's when she sent me to the Lucia's State.


"D-Daniel? W-what are you doing here?" Disgust washed all over me after I uttered his name. "I'm happy to see you too, y/n. Well I sent you the envelopes.. Isn't that why you're here? " he said with a disgusting smirk on his face. "What do you want?!" I asked, feeling the anger bulid inside of me. "Relax, dyke! I'm here to negotiate with you. You have two choices. One.. you come back home with me and take care of the house just like a good wife should do or two... I send those photos to Lucia's State and you go back there." I had no words. My body froze. I couldn't go back and live a miserable life with him again but I also couldn't get back to that living hell. Oh, Lord..

Without realizing, I zoned out thinking about the options. His annoying voice brought me back to the reality. "So.. Tell me! What's your choice?!" he seemed furious. I didn't answer. I couldn't. Both options were horrible. After a while of just silnce he rolled his eyes and finally spoke "You have 2 days to think about it. If you don't come back and see me I'll just guess you chose the second option." and with that he left. I ran back to the motel with tears in my eyes. Everything was blurry and the wind was blowing into my face, making my eyes burn...


Hihi. New chapterr ;) This one is supossed to be mostly about y/n's backstory in this book. Also.. What option do you think is y/n  going to choose? 🤔🤔

~Thx for reading❤️~

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