Chapter Fourteen

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That night, when we got to the motel, I didn't really sleep. I'm sure Mildred didn't sleep either. Her snoring was not audible. My mind was full of thoughts. And by that I mean mostly plans. They all sounded stupid at the moment. It had no logic, but around 3 am that's when it hit me.

"We need to get rid of the photos." I mumbled. Mildred hummed a "what" and I repeated what I said.

"We need to get rid of the photos."

"You're right" she said "But how are we going to do that?"

I watched the ceiling scared to say the answer. "We- We're going to break into his house. Tomorow." I finally answered. Even tho I couldn't see Mildred's face through the darkness, I knew she was a little scared. She didn't say a word and I guessed she knew that was probably the best ideea. What else should've we done? Call the cops? Not the greatest ideea knowing I escaped from a hospital.


Somehow, me and Mildred managed to fall asleep. When I woke up, the sun was shining through the curtains. Turning around, I noticed that Mildred was still sleeping. I stared at her. She looked stunning even tho she was sleeping. I cupped her cheek and started to softly caress it with my thumb. After a while I noticed her smiling and slowly opening her eyes. I smiled back at her.

"Morning, sunshine" I said. She just chuckles at the nickname and pulls me towards her so we can stay into a cuddling position. Her embrace felt nice and warm. I wanted to stay in that position for the rest of my life.

We stood like that for a few hours but then we both got hungry so we decided to go have breakfast.

After Mildred entered the bathroom, I took a dress from the closet and put it on. When I tried to zip it, the zipper got stuck. "Goddamnit! Come. On." I said while trying to make the zipper work. Suddently, I heard the bathroom door open and I saw Mildred trying to hold back her laughter. I just sat there embarresed. "Let me help you" Mildred said between her chuckles. She came behind me and started to pull up the zipper. "There" she whispers. I could feel her warm breath right on my shoulder. She didn't move. She stood there for a while and then started to place a few kisses on my shoulder. My breath started to get shaky. Her kisses moved to my neck and she suddently started to suck on my skin. I let out a small moan and I felt how my cheeks started to burn of embaressement and Mildred smirked. "No need to be embaressed, sweetheart." she whispered into my ear, her smirk still on her face. I shivered at the feeling of her hot breath brushing my ear. After a few seconds she put her shoes on and said "Now let's have breakfast, shall we?" I nodded and made my way to Mildred's car.


After we ate me and Millie talked about the plan.

"We need gloves." I said. Mildred just nodded. I knew she didn't have a great feeling about this plan but we needed to do it. I couldn't choose between the options Daniel gave me. I wanted to choose Mildred. She was my everything. I couldn't even imagine my life without her..


It was around 8 pm. We were on our way to Daniel's house. I knew he wasn't there. He was for sure with his 'friends'. When I tried to open the front door I realized I was right. He wasn't home. I took the spare key from under the carpet and opened the door. I let Mildred enter first and I followed her in. As I noticed the interior of the house, flashbacks quickly came through my mind.

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