Chapter Three

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y/n - your name
y/l/n - your long name
y/h/c - your hair color

And it was morning again.. I was waiting in my room for nurse Dolly. As the key is moving, I look up and to my surprise it wasn't Dolly the one who just opened the door.

I stare at the nurse and I realize she's the beautiful woman I saw yesterday. She looks at me exactly the way she looked at me in that day... without showing any emotions. "Its time for your medicine" she said. I was just staring at her, not saying anything. "Did you hear me?" the nurse asked with a cold tone. I felt a shiver down my spine. I look in her brown eyes. "W-what?" I stutter. "I said its time for your medicine!" she keeps the same cold tone. "Oh- okay.. Thank you." the nurse just nods and leaves my room.

In the day room I see the new nurse giving the pills to the patients. I sit in the line and wait. As she gives me my medicine our hands touch. I felt a weird feeling in my stomach. The beautiful nurse keeps giving the patients their pills. I went to the couch and started to read my book. I see nurse Ratched coming towards me. She calls my name. "Miss (y/l/n) !" "Yes?" I answer. "What are you reading?" she asks. "Erm.. A book.." I say.  "I see that! What is it called." Nurse Ratched said seeming a little annoyed. I slowly show her the book cover. "Miss (y/l/n) ! I hope you know that's not an appropiate book. You are here to be treated of this disease and by reading that you're going to make it worse." she says while taking the book from my hands and giving me a different one. "Look, you shoud read this one. I've read it before. Its a good book." I take the book and say "Thank you!" she nods while saying "You're welcome". I start reading the book and she leaves.

After a few hours I decided to go in my room because I felt a little tired. On the way I bump into someone. I look up at the person and I see its nurse Ratched. "You should watch where you're going." she says annoyed. I give her an apologetic look. "I'm so sorry. Please forgive me, miss. I didn't meant to- I am a little tired and I tried to-" I try to explain but the nurse interrupts me, coming closer to my face and saying "Shh.. That's fine but next time be more careful!" In that moment the weird sensation I felt earlier in my stomach was back again. It felt so weird but st the same time it felt really good. I could feel the blush all over my face. "Are you okay? Your face is red like a tomato." she tries to bring her hand to my face but I stop her. "N-no.. I mean yes! I'm tottaly fine. Its a little hot in here.. I think that's the reason I'm red." I say trying to cover the fact that I'm lying. "Hmm the temperature is quite good." she says.  "Oh I- erm-" I stutter trying to think of an answer. She starts to chuckle. I just blush even more. "Alright.. Go to your room." the nurse says still a little amused. I nod and start walking to my room.

'God, I'm so stupid' I think to myself but after a while I feel a big smile growing on my face.

I lay on the bed looking at the ceilling. After a few minutes everything turns black. I couldn't see anything so I start walking hoping to find an escape. As I walk I see this white light. I start going towards it. I take a look and I see nurse Ratched outside, sitting on a chair. "Exactly on time. I was waiting for you." she says, coming closer to me. She takes my hand and starts dragging me down into the wood.
   Next to a river there was a blanket on the ground. She sits down and makes me a sign to go sit next to her. I sat down and looked at her. "Why are we here?" I ask. She doesn't answer me but instead she brings her face close to mine. Our faces were just a few inches apart. We stayed like that for minutes but it felt like hours had passed by. I look down at her lips and I was so close to break the distance between us but suddently I feel a hand touching my shoulder

I wake up and see the beautiful nurse. "Miss (y/l/n) , its time for dinner." she says. "okay. Thank you." i give her a little smile. She turns to the door but I stop her. "Nurse Ratched?" She turns back to me and I continue. "Can you please tell me what time is it?" "Yes.. Its 5:23 pm" she answers. "Thank you!" before she leaves she says "I'll come back check on you before bed time." and with that she walks out the door and locks it.

I decide to eat the food and then go take a shower. When I enter the bathroom I take a look in the mirror. I looked like someone who just came back from the deads. I step into the shower and start washing myself. After I finish, I take some new clothes and sit on my bed trying to untangle my hair with my fingers. It was really painful.

Suddently I hear someone opening the door. As I was expecting I see nurse Ratched. She stares at me so I quit brushing my hair. "What were you doing?" she asks me. "Umm I was trying to untangle my hair but I failed.." I answer. She thinks for a moment and says "I believe I have a brush in my bag. I could help you brush your hair after I check on the other patients." she offers. "Oh you don't have to.." I say. "I insist! I really won't mind." Nurse Ratched answers back. "Okay then.. Thank you" I say as I figured out she would not accept no as an answer.

After a few minutes I see the beautiful woman entering my room with her bag in one hand. I give her a smile wich she returns. She takes out a brush from her bag and says "Can you sit on the chair for me?" I nod and sit on the chair from the front of the mirror as she told me to. She starts brushing my hair. She was moving the brush slowly so I won't feel anything. "Tell me if it hurs! Okay?" I nod. I couldn't help but look at her in the mirror. She was so careful not to hurt me. I smile as I watch her moving the brush trough my (y/h/c) hair. We didn't talk much but there was a comfortable silence between us. As she finished untangling my hairs she puts the brush on the table and started to braid my long hair. I watch as she moves her long fingers trough my (y/h/c) locks.

After she finished to braid my hair she looked at me in the mirror and smiled. "Its ready. You look really nice" I smile and answer "Thank you for helping me. I'm really grateful for this. I promise I'll somehow pay back to you" "Don't worry about it." I just nod. We just sat there making eye contact. I felt a conection between the two of us and I'm pretty sure she did too. "You should probably go sleep now" she said interrupting the silence. "Yes, you're right." I say. "Good night miss (y/l/n) !"  "Good night! Thank you again." she gives me a quick smile and starts walking away.

I sat on the bed and close my eyes thinking about this great day...


Hii! I really hope you enjoyed this chapter :) thx for reading! Ly ❤️

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