Chapter One

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"LET ME OUT OF HERE" I yell.. But no one hears me. No one ever hears me. I've been stuck in this living hell for almost 4 months. I've tried so many times to escape but I've always got caught.
   As i sit on the floor I feel how warm tears are falling from my eyes.

The reason I'm here is because I've been diagnosed with 'lesbianism'.. and it is true. I've always liked girls... When I was a kid I had to hear all the girls from my school talking about how they have crushes on guys. The tought of being with a boy was gross to me. I've always wanted to be 'normal', just like the other girls from my school, but deep down I knew I'll never be happy with a man.

My mom is also the reason I'm here. She sent me here after I told her the truth. I've never really liked her. I know I sound ungrateful, but she always treated me like a stranger. She would always give gifts to my brother while I was just watching him being happy. My father was the only one I loved. He passed away when I was 9. At his funeral I felt dead inside. I couldn't feel anything anymore so I started to cut myself. It wasn't much but the pain was the only thing I could feel.

Now I'm stuck in the Lucia State Hospital. I hate it here but its better than being in the place I used to call 'home'.

Suddently a voice intrerrupted my toughts. It was nurse Dolly. I've seen her before but we've never had a conversation. I would just say 'hello' to her and she would say it back just to be polite.
"I'm here to remind you that you should come to take your medicine in 15 minutes. Don't be late!" the blonde nurse said while looking at me with her brown eyes.
   I just nod as a response and then she leaves, leaving the door unlocked so I can head to the day room.

As I head to the day room I see nurse Bucket staring at me with a dissgusted look. Her gaze felt like 100 needles that were stinging every single part of my body. I look at the floor and start walking faster to my destination.

In the day room I see patients sitting in a line to get their pills. I go next to Peter. He was the only person who truly understood me. He doesn't really talks a lot but he's a good listener. I like him.. Most people don't but I think he's just misunderstood. I gave him a smile wich he returned. I believe we're friends.

Nurse Dolly gave me the pills I had to take. I took them, sat on the couch and started to read a book. That's the only thing that keeps me busy. There's nothing much you can do in here.

After I took dinner, I sat on my bed thinking 'And another day passed by in this place. Will I ever get out of here?'. Staring at the white ceiling, I feel how a hot tear was falling from my eye to the cold pillow. I start to feel my eyes getting heavier and heavier...


Hellooo!! I hope you liked this chapter 😭 I know its kinda boring but I'll try to make the next chapters better :') Oh and don' t worry, nurse Ratched will be added to the story very soon 😌 ly! Stay safe ❤️

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