Chapter Thirty Three: Through Wind and Storm

Start from the beginning

We bring the food down into the food storage and I begin showing them the ship. They are super fascinated by the cold storage and the water filtering system and ask me a lot of questions about them.
"If we join the crew, are we getting paid?", Yunho asks.
"Sure. Let's say we split the money we make in a month. 65 percent are going to be savings for the ship and food and the rest we are going to split evenly among us."
"Sounds good."
"Actually I think we haven't asked your name yet.", Mingi utters and giggles.
"I am Hongjoong."
"Nice, we are Mingi and Yunho. But you probably already picked up on that."
I bring them back to where we first met.
"Think about it and tell me tomorrow morning. But you should know that you can't go back that easily once you choose."
"We will. Until tomorrow."

How can I make him feel more happy and at ease again? San stands up and continues with his lesson.
A bit later Jongho comes in.
"Hongjoong we are near an island, do you want to go there?"
"Ah, yes. According to the map there should be a village where we can stock up on food and crystals."
I go outside with him and look over the railing. To my surprise I see another bigger ship to our right. They seem to be approaching the island too.

We park our ship at an unexpectedly big and busy harbor. I get our money and my backpack and meet the others in front of the ship. Another group of adventurers walk past us. I wonder if they are also trying to get past the wind barrier. After a few steps out of the harbor we spot a sign that says:
"Welcome to Gum Pirtaenashii"
I wasn't expecting to see a sign in our language here. As we walk through the village we see quite a lot of people from different countries, I feel someone tug on my shirt.
"Wooyoung and I are going to buy ingredients for San's cake.", Seonghwa whispers into my ear.
I give them some money.
"Good idea. You can take Yunho and Yeosang with you to buy the food. We will be at the machine store.", I say. The four go towards the grocery store.
"Why was he whispering?", Mingi asks.
"I don't know.", I lie and giggle nervously.
"Oh, I know.", Jongho says and smiles.
"Why?", San asks.
"I am not going to tell you."
"What is going on? Are you planning something? Why can't Mingi and I know?", San whines.
"You will see it later."

We go into the store. It's bigger than I expected. Besides some crystals I also buy some spare parts in case the sand destroys parts of our motor. After we paid and step outside again, a light breeze is blowing in our faces which also brings some fine dust and sand with it. I accidentally inhale some of it and have to cough. The others look at me worried.
"Are you okay?", Jongho asks.
"Yeah, I just inhaled some dust."
"That's the universe punishing you for keeping secrets from me and Mingi.", San argues, still pouty and offended from earlier.
I sigh. I don't what I should do to snap him out of it but at least he isn't saying that he doesn't deserves to know anyway like he probably would have a few months ago.

We meet with the others at the marketplace. On our way we walk past a restaurant out of which a delicious smell comes.
"Did you get everything we need?", I ask.
"Yes, here is the rest money.", Yunho says.
"I am starving!", Wooyoung exclaims.
"Let's go home then.", I state.
"But I want to eat something warm and tasty.", Mingi comments.
"There was a restaurant that we walked by that seemed tasty.", Yeosang proposes.
"We already spend quite a bit of money today..."
Seonghwa holds onto my arm and pouts.
"Pleeeaaaseee. We haven't eaten a nice lunch in while and it smells delicious.", he says in a soft voice and smiles cutely. Ugh! Why is he like this?
"Okay. Let's bring our stuff back to the ship, pack some of the things we found, eat at the restaurant and then sell some stuff. Is that alright with you?"
They nod.

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