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Jisung woke up later that day, at around 11am. it was a relax day and they had the day off so he just decided he'd stay in bed and later do a birthday live for stay. He heard the commotion of the other members around his room. he listened but his mind started wandering. honestly, seeing felix be kind to him that morning felt like a fever dream. he was confused and having trouble truly believing it.

The day passed with nothing. Jisung ate the cupcake Felix had given him after posting a picture on their Instagram. He saw the other members posting old pictures with him as well. Fake. He hated it but he dealt with it. it would be over soon. the next day, Felix came into Jisung's room again at around 12am.

"Morning," Felix said as he walked in with no warning.

"Havent you ever heard of knocking?" Jisung asked rudely.

"Maybe you should get your door fixed," Felix said, sitting on the bed next to Jisung.

"it's your fault its broken!" Jisung said.

it was playful banter. both Jisung and Felix had smiles on their faces. they were happy.

"Yea whatever. anyway, guess what today is~?" Felix sang happily.

"Wednesday?" Jisung answered, knowing the real answer but wanting to be annoying.

"Yes, but what else??"

"Another performance day?" Jisung asked

Felix whined and hit Jisung ligntly, jisung giggling in response.

"Alright fine, happy birthday," jisung finally gave in.

"Thank you!" Felix said with a smile.

"Anything planned?" Jisung asked.

"Mmm, nope! I'll probably practice singing and then go live," Felix answered.

"The others will probably do something for you," Jisung said

"Maybe. but it wont matter. if they dont do it with you then I dont care!" Felix said with a bright smile.

Jisung melted a little seeing Felix's bright smile. he couldnt help but swoon over the little things. Felix's smile just made Jisung lose it.

"Earth to Jisung! hello!" Felix sang, waving his hand in front of Jisung's face.

Jisung snapped out of his daze. he had been staring at Felix unknowingly. "Oh! sorry"

"Its ok. Hey, so did you wanna go out to eat later?" Felix offered.


"You know, like for our birthdays. we could just get a little dinner between us to celebrate."

Jisung was shocked. None of the members had ever offered to go out with him. he was a little skeptical. "Is there a catch?"

"Yep. you're paying" felix said with a smile.

"Is that it?"

"im kidding! I'm offering so I'll pay. no catch!" Felix assured.

"I mean, I can pay I dont min-"

"Nope! I'm paying! just get your pretty self out of this room!" Felix whined.

Jisung grew flustered with the tiny compliment. felix had said it so casually and it caught him off guard. "Alright I will. you should get going, maybe take some time to sleep before everyone else gets up."

Felix nodded and stood up. "you're right. once they get up they'll be bombarding me"

"Night, Felix."


Jisung smiled brightly and nodded. "Goodnight, Lixie."

"Night, Sungie"

Just a Little Kindness || JiLix slow burnWhere stories live. Discover now