I'm Going After You Part 1

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Earth: I already did what you wanted... Where are you? Where is my son?!.


Seo Ji looking at Neo who is on the bed next to her, looks at the phone, gives a smile at the corner of her lips as soon as she answers and hears Earth's exalted and anguished voice, enjoying hearing Earth's fear.

Seo Ji: hmm, you took more than three minutes... I don't know if I will be able to say.... I waited for you to call to hear your despair.... Your son is so cute so cute that I was thinking how am I going to kill him to not take away this cuteness...

Earth filled with rage, wanting to kill Seo Ji but holding back the will.

Earth: If you touch a single hair on my son Seo Ji, I swear I will... Tell me once and for all where are you?!

Seo Ji teasing Earth's patience, giving a smile enjoying seeing the panic in Earth's words.

Seo Ji: Okay! Alright...I won't say anything else... I think I'll kill him now..

Earth widens his eyes, anguished at hearing Seo Ji and hearing Neo's cry, makes a move forward and speaks loudly.

Earth: Neo! My son, No... Seo Ji if you touch him I swear I'll kill....

Seo Ji interrupted.

Seo Ji: Who are you going to kill? Are you sure you are in a position to say or do this?...

Earth seeing that Seo Ji is not joking and that she is talking very seriously, calmed down a little.

Earth: Tell me where you are please?! Seo Ji...

Seo Ji smiling to see Earth begging and lowering his voice.

Seo Ji: Hunm! asking me like this I can even give in to your request... I'll send the address where I am... Don't forget that I know everything...I don't want to see P'Kao or anyone else here, I just want you.... If I know he's coming here with you I'll kill your son.

Seo Ji hung up the phone. Earth takes the phone from his ear and looks at the phone, tears started to come out, he at the door puts his head on the door, crying for Neo and what happened to Kao.

Three hours passed, Earth didn't leave the bedroom, he stayed in the bedroom turning all over the bedroom, Seo Ji wasn't calling or sending her address, and he was already getting desperate again.

Earth: Why doesn't she send it?! What is this crazy woman doing to my son?!.

Fluke enters the bedroom and sees Earth spinning around the bedroom without stopping desperate and anguished, Fluke approaches him worried.

Fluke: Earth you'll get tired if you spin around the bedroom like that... Calm down a little...

Earth looks at Fluke, with tears on his face, anguished, with nothing else to do to be able to have Neo, so worried about his son.

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