Is Not Waking Up

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Maya starts to take off her clothes, she just kept her underwear on, turned around and jumped into the pond.

Earth as soon as Kao answered the phone, in despair, worried about his daughter, walking around the living room, said angrily.

Earth: are you sure khun Kao?!... If she's ok why can't she talk to me?!...

Kao walking in the hotel garden, in a calm voice.

Kao: Because she went on a tour with Sei Ji, I'm not with them now...

Earth not liking to hear this.

Earth: which ride?! tour where ?!...

Kao: Tour on hotel! There is no danger...

Earth worried about her daughter, not believing in Seo Ji's change.

Earth: khun Kao, she's not in the pond is she?!

Kao walking and also looking for Maya and Seo Ji, also starting to worry a little because of the nervousness of Earth that is being transmitted to him through the phone.

Kao: No! Earth, relax, I can take care of our daughter, okay...

Earth angry, showing Kao that for Maya he does everything.

Earth: I hope so!... I hope so Kao... Because if anything happens to my daughter.... I don't think twice... I'll kill you... Ask her to call me as soon as you are with her.

Earth hangs up, turns around, looks at Fluke and walks to the side of the couch, talking at the same time and putting the phone back in place.

Earth: apparently everything is fine!... But now I won't be able to be relaxed...

Fluke approached Earth, put a hand on his shoulder, said given a smile.

Fluke: Don't worry... you heard yourself that everything it's ok... P'Kao always knew how to take good care of Maya...

Earth looking at Fluke, he wanted to be calm, plus the tight grip he felt a few minutes ago, he just can't forget, but not to worry Fluke, he walked to the kitchen, grabbed other dishes and placed them on the table.

Earth: well! Let's forget about it and let's eat?! These beautiful princesses are full of hunger... Aren't my loves?!

Akira and Ara spoke loudly and with big smiles on their faces.

Akira and Ara: YES WE HAVE...

Maya after jumping, swims a little way from the boat, turns and goes back in the boat, grabs over the boat, as she approaches and grabs the boat Seo ji smiles and talks at the same time, with the small bunch of flowers in her hand.

Seo Ji: OH! Maya you know how to swim very well! ... You just don't have the courage ..

Maya with a smile, still in the pond.

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