You Banned But I Remember

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Seo ji: so you are the famous Earth Katsamonnat! ... The young architect! ...


Earth saw her fake look and fake smile, Earth knew how to notice people who are true to him and those who are fake, especially women. Not wanting to talk to her and also not wanting to make trouble with anyone, with a smile, he put his hand forward so that he could compliment her, kindly.

Earth: yes! I'm Earth katsamonnat, nice to meet you ... And you are ?!

She with a smile seeing the falseness in Earth's smile, touched his hand and said teasing Earth.

Seo ji: I am Seo ji, the bride of the vice president of this company ... You must know who I'm talking about, right?! ..

Earth hearing that she is the bride, gave her a slightly surprised, sad look, but then recovered, noticed by her look that she just wanted to provoke him, not falling for her provocation.

Earth: good to know! Congratulations on the engagement ... Teasing her too ... He told me that the engagement has not yet taken place! I hope it will happen soon ...

Seo ji annoyed to hear this, tried to step forward but was stopped when she heard Kao's voice coming out of his office.

Kao: Seo ji! .... He approached the two of them, looking at her and then at Earth ... What are you doing here Seo ji ?! Earth are you here yet ?!

Earth: no, I'm not here yet ... I'm still home, the person in front of you is a doll with the same name as mine ... What a stupid question.

Kao smiled a little when he saw the reaction that seemed very cute to him, Seo ji saw Kao's passionate look, was furious to see it but then gave a fake smile, approached Kao, grabbed his arm by his elbow with both hands, she said while looking at Kao and then at Earth as soon as she hugged him.

Seo ji: I told you that night that I was going to come here today to talk to your dad about our engagement ... Did you forget ?!

Kao feeling uncomfortable with her, he said as he removed her hands, a little angry.

Kao: you could say these things to my father in another place, not in the workplace ...

Seo ji when she saw Kao take her hands away and then when she saw Earth's smile on the corner of his lips and smiling through his eyes, she was very angry, angry.

Seo ji: alright! I'm leaving ... I see you don't like my presence here very much, since you are with your daughter's mother... Looked at Earth ..... Well if it is that you are a mother .... Sorry, is that it is very difficult for me to accept that a baby was born of a man ...

Earth hearing this, opened his eyes wide, looked at Kao saw through his eyes that he told her about Maya, angry looking at Kao.

Earth: did you tell her about my daughter ?!

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