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Seo ji is in the bathroom, Kao is in the bedroom next to the window, Seo ji woke up before Kao, Kao left the window and stood in the middle of the bedroom, with both hands inside the pocket of the robe he was wearing, he spent a week thinking about how to end up with her without hurting her. He doesn't want to hurt her, Kao has done that a lot in the past, he's changed a lot since Earth left him five years ago.

Seo ji still in the bathroom calm, dried her hair, in the middle of drying Seo ji imagines the scene of the party where Earth Kao and Maya are together, but calmly she continues to dry her hair. After an hour in the bathroom she leaves the bathroom, gets dressed, sits on the sofa in the bedroom, calm, feel light after her shower, starts putting the earring in her ear, Kao had left because someone from the company called him, after talked on the phone, entered the bedroom, look sideways see Seo ji and try to start the conversation.

Kao: N'Seo ji, on the issue of marriage....

Seo ji putting the other earring in the other ear without looking at him, said interrupting him.

Seo ji: Don't worry my love I've already decided... let's postpone everything...

Kao confused, not knowing anything.

Kao: the wedding?! ...

Seo Ji sitting on the couch trying to put the earring on talking at the same time, not looking at him, pretending be the poor thing.

Seo ji: love, there's no way to think about marriage, partying, until we reset this whole story, and start again...

Kao: what do you mean we reset and start again?! ...

Seo ji looking sideways, with the body also turned sideways, still sitting on the couch, crosses her arms, with a smile and a strange look, as if wanting something more.

Seo ji: I already know how and where we will start.. Nong Han...

Kao confused, not really enjoying the direction of the conversation.

Kao: what?! But! ...But Seo ji! ....

Seo ji turns to look at him with a smile.

Seo ji: Let's spend a weekend at that hotel we stayed in last time... Me, you and Maya... that's where our fight started... Kao tried to say it's her fault, but she's not let him talk.. I know, okay, I know, partly my fault, you don't have to throw this in my face, I know.. Seo ji starts slowly approaching Kao... That's why I want to fix, my mistakes... she making a cute face, and pouting, putting his arms around Kao's neck, Kao didn't grab her, his hands stayed at his sides... Love, you won't deny me this.. .. If you still want me as a wife and your wife still... She puts her head to the side of his neck, rests her head on his shoulder, looking sideways, not looking at him, giving him a calm look... You accept ? ... So love, I've made so many concessions to your wishes, go...

(KaoEarth) The Force Of DestinyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang