Fathers And Daughters

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Guys, as you can see, I wrote three chapters, please guys, if you notice any mistakes, it is because I wrote very fast, and I also couldn't rectify some mistakes that I didn't see😮😯

Guys, as you can see, I wrote three chapters, please guys, if you notice any mistakes, it is because I wrote very fast, and I also couldn't rectify some mistakes that I didn't see😮😯

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Kao: my love! ... Is that you! N'Earth .... How! It's really you


Earth upon hearing the voice and seeing Kao was scared, but at the moment he was drastically sad, Kao saw Earth's sad look, tried to touch Earth, but Earth sighed in fear took a step back, turned and quickly ran, Kao wasted no time ran after Earth and shouted loudly making the people in the store look at him, Earth was scared he just wanted to leave the store, pick up Maya and disappear again, worried Earth arrived in the sector of the children's clothes, saw Fluke and quickly grabbed Maya, put her on he lap and said hurriedly.

Earth: p'fluke let's get out of here fast, right now.

Fluke not knowing what Earth was saying, and confused to see Earth so desperate to leave the store, he said as soon as he placed Ara on his lap.

Fluke: what's going on ?! Why are you in a hurry ?! I haven't bought Ara's clothes yet!

Earth didn't want to know anything, he just wanted to leave the store as soon as possible, Earth said in a hurry as he walked quickly and without looking back.

Earth: we are going to buy it in another store ... I will explain to you in the taxi later ...

Fluke and Earth left the store, Kao left the store, looked around and saw Earth getting into a taxi, only he didn't see Maya, because Earth put Maya in the car first, Kao shouted the name very loudly of Earth.

Kao: Earth .... Don't go away! ... please N'Earth ...!

Earth as soon as he heard Kao calling him, looked at Kao and gave him an angry and furious look, got in the car, and told the taxi driver to go fast, Earth tired, worried, desperate, sad not knowing what to do, looking at the man he loved five years ago, it was something he didn't expect, his feelings came like water spreading all over his body, the love he thought he forgot came as fast as a fast lion, Earth started to cry, Fluke and the kids were worried about Earth, Earth just put a hand on his forehead put his elbow on the car window and looked out of the car window crying.

Earth Fluke and the girls came home, Earth said to Maya when touching over her head, Maya was wearing a black hat, and she was wearing a blouse that covered her small arms, and pants.

Earth: my love, take off your hat and blouse, go take a bubble bath with your cousins, okay ....

Maya was worried, she saw Earth's so worried and sad face and said wanting to know.

Maya: Mommy ! What happened to Mommy ?! Why is mommy sad ?!

Earth didn't want to worry Maya, Earth knew that Maya is a smart girl despite her age, Earth said lowering it to suit Maya's height, touched her face, said.

(KaoEarth) The Force Of DestinyWhere stories live. Discover now