A Moment With My Daddy

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Earth's eyes widened, Kao as soon as he heard that small voice, turned and looked at Maya saw her looking at him with a bright smile and full of happiness, Maya happy, ran up to Kao talking nonstop.

Maya: daddy! Daddy .... Daddy ...

As soon as Maya ran to Kao, Kao leaned down and hugged her, got her up and placed her on his lap, a hand grabbed her head from behind, Kao said as soon as he put her on his lap and closed his eyes, his face to the side of Maya's neck towards Earth.

Kao: my love! ... My daughter! ... My God ... Kao looked at her with a smile .... I can't believe it! You really are my daughter ...

Fluke stood at the entrance to the door with wide eyes looking at Kao and then seeing Maya running to Kao, fluke looked at Earth saw the distress that is in his eyes at this moment, Earth did not want to see this reunion but now it is impossible to avoid, Earth a little angry, walked to the front of Kao put his hands behind Maya on her waist and started to take her off Kao's lap, saying at the same time.

Earth: Maya! ... Maya my love is enough ... You have to go take a shower and then have lunch ...

Maya upset and still angry with Earth, started trying take out and hit Earth's hands.

Maya: No! No ... Maya wants to be with my daddy ... Mommy is going to separate me from daddy again ... Maya doesn't want to be away from my daddy ...

Earth looked at Kao still holding Maya from behind, Kao saw the angry look he is giving, with delicacy and affection, touched Maya's face with one hand and said gently.

Kao: Maya my love ... Listen to Mommy ... Daddy will not leave here until my princess takes a shower, okay ...

Maya looking into his eyes full of love for her said a little shy, but a little suspicious.

Maya: seriously ?! Daddy will wait for me ?! You will not leaving ?!

Kao with a smile.

Kao: of course I will not go away .. I will stay here, and wait for you... now ... Kao put Maya on the floor ...Now go take a bath with your uncle and daddy will stay here talking to mommy ...

Maya happy, she screamed full of happiness.

Maya: humn ... Maya is going to take a shower ...

Fluke approached Earth, and put one hand on his shoulder, he said worriedly.

Fluke: N'Earth! Are you okay?!

Earth looked at fluke a little powerless at the moment with what he just witnessed.

Earth: I'm fine, don't worry ... I'll be fine ... Please take Maya in the bath .... Earth looked Kao in the eyes .... I still have to talk to you ...

(KaoEarth) The Force Of DestinyWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu