Me What?!

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The night ended and with this night a week passed

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The night ended and with this night a week passed.

Fluke is at home alone, Earth is at the company working, the girls are in kindergarten, Fluke hasn't talked to Ohm since Maya's party, whenever Ohm came to visit him and the daughters, Fluke ended up entering the bedroom, two days after the party Fluke found out that Thanapon had divorced from his husband, he also found out from Kao that Ohm always visited Thanapon, out of jealousy and since the day that Ohm preferred to accompany Thanapon at home after the party instead of him, Fluke deduced that Ohm and Thanapon are together.

Not tolerating it every time Ohm tried to touch him Fluke would dodge and flee. Fluke tidied the house, ironed the twins' and Maya's clothes, cooked lunch for the girls, looked at the clock and saw that it was time to go get them, Fluke got dressed and went to get the girls.

Arriving with his face down, he looks up and opens his eyes wide as he sees Ohm being touched in the hands by Thanapon, irritated to see this, full of jealousy but feeling a huge sadness, the happy twins screamed at the sight of Fluke.

Akira: Mommy ! Ara and Maya, mommy has arrived!...

Ara looks sideways and sees Ohm, Ohm immediately looks at Fluke as Akira screams for Fluke, Fluke looks at Ohm's and Thanapon's gripped hands, Ohm notices this, and pulls his hands away quickly, Fluke immediately looks into the eyes of Ohm and gives an angry look, looks at his daughters and Maya, goes to them grabs their hands and walks quickly to the car.

Ohm quickly goes to Fluke and grabs one of the wrists, making him release Ara, presses Fluke's back against the car and says without wasting time.

Ohm: Fluke don't go... Wait... It's not what you think!...

Fluke let go of Akira's hand as Ohm grabbed him, the twins and Maya stood aside looking at the two talking. Fluke puts the other hand that isn't being grabbed over Ohm's chest and tries to push him, speaking at the same time.

Fluke : What do you think I'm thinking?!... Let go, I want to go home.... I don't want to talk to you...

Ohm as soon as Fluke tried to push him, grasped the hand that's trying to push and press on the other side of the car, he yelled angrily.

Ohm : Stop it... Since p'Kao's daughter's party you've been weird... You run away from me, you don't talk to me... You were practically avoiding me, just like you're trying to do...

Fluke furious, tried to break free.

Fluke : I said let go, I don't want to talk to you.... Let me go...

Ohm hearing that, he was a little confused, thinking maybe he's like this because he saw him with Thanapon, trying to make Fluke not think he's cheating on him.

Ohm: why are you acting this way with me?! If it's what you saw a while ago, it's not what you are ..

Fluke without letting Ohm finish pushed him, speaking at the same time and open the car door quickly.

(KaoEarth) The Force Of DestinyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora