Chapter 25: Had I Known Before...

Start from the beginning

But I can't pass on this opportunity. I have held back because of my friends, my brother. Now I have a chance to see them free. I have an opportunity to do what I set out to do. Damn the consequences. My family were the reason that I did this, the only reason. I would never have joined the rebels if not for them. If they are free, I can give myself to the course, doing whatever it takes to take down Ronon.

I will be an inside source, knowing everything that Ronon does. Being his second, I will know his routine, secrets, and plans. I will not only save my friends but gain access to information.

"I want to show my faith in you so that you may return it", Ronon continues, no emotion behind those eyes.

I shake my head in confusion, my mind racing. "You would give up your finest champions?"

Ronon nods. "If they mean so much to you, I will make this sacrifice. For you, I would make this are like a daughter to me after all."

My mind races, screaming at me to decline, but I've already decided. No matter how much it pains me, I have to do this. I'm in too far now, and I have no choice. "And...and I will accept your offer. Because you are my family" I lie, bowing before Ronon.

A smirk takes his lips. "I am glad. I will see them released once they have been questioned about that blacksmith boy's whereabouts."

"Thank you. I will not forget your generosity," I sweet talk, already retreating to the giant doors. "I will work to repay it."

"Perfect", Ronon chimes, eyes distant in thought. "Well, as my second, I appoint you with the task of hunting this boy."

I pause in my retreat, bowing once more. "I will see it done, my lord."

Ronon hums in satisfaction. "Best begin with looking into that talisman."

"Of course. I will look into it right away," I offer, shuffling toward the door, already feeling a significant sickness overcoming me.

Ronon watches me leave with a narrowed gaze. "Indeed."


The cavern is quiet. Most of the torches have gone out, with all of Ronon's men being pulled to do various tasks and the competitors having to do their separate interrogations. I don't doubt Jackson will be hunted, Ronon exhausting all sources to find him. Yet, it will be to no success. I continue into the cavern, not even gaining a second glance from the guard, who continues to sharpen his sword even when I descend the stairs.

I walk past all the empty cells, only a few harbouring some men, the number of competitors scary low with the death toll and the integrations going on upstairs. I only pray that none of the knights know anything about Jackson's whereabouts, Ronon having his methods of extracting information.

I come to the cell that the knights have been sharing. I let out a breath with the realisation that what I had heard was true and that Leon is, in fact, still in the cell. I peer back toward the guard at the far end of the cavern to make sure he is occupied. I can't have this meeting interrupted. A few prisoners watch me curiously, but otherwise, my presence is no bother to them.

Leon sits in the far corner of the cell, his light brown locks stained in blood and dirt, like his chainmail discarded on the floor beside him. He has his face in his hands, clearly exhausted from the lack of sleep and the mental strain that the tournament leaves behind. He, much like the others, is in desperate need of a change of clothes, dirty and stained.

I kneel by the barred door. "Leon", I whisper, palms wrapping around the bars.

Leon lifts his face from his hands, a weak smile forming on his cracked lips with my arrival. "Edythe?" he questions, voice low. "What are you doing here?"

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