Chapter 6

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                     Four weeks later, Skyra was fully healed from her injuries after so many days of staying in the medical bay. She spent her last few days of healing back in her small private apartments in the palace. She enjoys being back in her private apartments while people come visit her to help her out. She truly enjoys having people who could help you during her last few days of healing. Vi was one of the few people who gave daily reports about their mission to Batuu. knows she has to know this information to help rebuild the resistance. Sometimes she has training on how to fight with a wooden staff with Rey in the palace courtyard. She enjoys her training to get her strength back after getting badly injured. Some other times she has visits from Leia in the morning and evening to keep her updated on what's going on in the resistance. In the afternoons Aiyana visits her youngest sister to keep her company and some other times bring their young sister in to have sister time. She truly enjoys having sister time with Aiyana and Arya during her last few days of healing. She has enjoyed every moment during her healing from her injuries. She was really excited about going out there after two weeks of healing. She was getting ready to go out to help the resistance while getting her fighting skills ready.



                     Later that morning, resistance has finally finished their mission in freeing Naboo from First Order control and helping the people of Naboo to restore Theed to full glory. Resistance support comes from across nearby systems to help Naboo with bringing supplies, food, and some of their people. Skyra walked out of the palace after being fully healed by the medical team in going out of the palace. She walked down the streets of Theed for the first time of her life after the First Order invasion and being captured twice. She truly enjoys seeing people who are continuing to restore the grand beauty of their beloved city. She walked down the stairs into the safe house where Rey walked towards her holding light white wooden staff in her hands.

          "Skyra, I want to give you this gift after a couple of days of making it from a piece of wood that I found during my walk around the forest near lake country. I'm so glad to train you how to wooden staff in using the force inside of you. Now I should bring you to Leia to get final information before the rest of us leave Naboo to find a base." Rey said to Skyra, Skyra grabbed her new weapon after Rey gave it to her and she looked at the designs on the light white wooden staff. She put her wooden staff around her back after looking at the designs. She follows Rey through the huge room where people were getting ready to leave and packing up crates. She continued following Rey upstairs and went into the room with two couches behind a huge beautiful stained glass window. It was where Leia was sitting on one of the two couches. Rey walked out of the room to help put crates in the falcon. Skyra walked towards the couch and sat down next to Leia. Leia looks at Skyra after reading reports from resistance allies on her datapad and puts it down next to her.

          "Skyra, I'm glad to see you fully recover from your injuries. Now I got a recent report from Vi that she is waiting for you on Batuu after leaving with the first half of the squadron to start building a resistance base. Now I would send you with the second half of the squadron to Batuu. I would let you travel with troopers on intersystem transport to travel to Batuu. I would let Poe bring you to meet the squadron. Let you know that the squadron is X-Wing pilots and troopers who gave their lives to fight in the resistance. Now I should let go find Poe. I would say my goodbye later before you leave." Leia said to Skyra, Skyra listens to Leia as she begins wondering what her new life is going to be like in Batuu, only knowing how she was going to do her part to help the resistance to build a new base. She tries her best to not think about being far away from her home planet and her three sisters. Skyra looks at Leia as she gives a joyful smile on her face.

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