Chapter 5

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                     Two hours later, Skyra wakes up in a strange place until she realizes that she was back in the holding cell on the destroyer. She only remembers falling down on the ground until Poe got her after hearing what happened to her parents. She felt something in herself was telling her about having her courage inside. She trusts herself to have the courage to help her while waiting for resistance to rescue her. She got up from the bed after hearing the door open where two First Order stormtroopers walked into the holding cell towards her. One of the First Order stormtroopers put handcuffs on her hands and took her out of the holding cell into the hallway. She stayed calm and kept her courage to be her weapon in staying alive. She was taking down the hallway to somewhere in the destroyer where she saw other First Order stormtroopers walking by them or talking with their commanders. Two First Order stormtroopers bring Skyra to their supreme leader's quarters and one of them stays next to her to walk into their leader's quarters. She continues staying calm and has courage inside of her. Then Kylo walked into his quarters and let the stormtrooper go outside the hallway. Skyra notices that Kylo was not wearing his helmet like when he was threatening her eldest sister in the palace's throne room. She kept courage inside of her heart to help her alive. Kylo looked at the young lady while using the force to sit her down on the steps of the stairs.

          "I want to welcome you to the steadfast and this is my quarters to where you will be held captive. I have never taken prisoners after becoming Supreme Leader. I have my reasons for capturing you after I felt in the force that you fainted. I heard some rumors and stories about an unknown Jedi Master abandoning his Jedi way to start a new life in Naboo. He took some of his Jedi belongings with him and continued collecting Jedi artifacts until the very end of the Clones Wars. That's what I hear from rumors from different planets. That's why I started an invasion on the capital city of Theed in search of the Jedi artifacts, until my stormtroopers found you inside the palace. I know that you have the force inside of you after feeling in the force after coming back to Naboo. I will figure out who you are and why you have the force inside of you. Now I would let one of my generals bring you to your chambers and keep you there to get information from you." Kylo explained to the young lady, Skyra listens to Kylo as she has no knowledge that her father never has a hidden room inside the palace for unknown reasons. She remembers reading her mother's diary to never even mention it. She got up from the steps of the stairs and she looked at Kylo with courage inside her heart.

          "I haven't heard about my father doing that for being kind and protective to me and my sisters. I knew nothing about his past until my aunt told me before I fainted. I wouldn't tell you anything about my father!" Skyra told Kylo,
Kylo was impressed by how brave she was. He puts his right hand up at skyra and she falls down on the floor. He grabbed the young lady off the floor and walked out of his quarters into the hallway. He brought the young lady into nice chambers and put her down on the bed. He orders two First Order stormtroopers to guard the door and keep watch for her to not escape from his watch. He walked back to his duties of being the Supreme Leader of the First Order.



                     Later that evening, Aiyana was standing on the balcony while wondering whether her youngest sister is safe or doing alright on the steadfast. Aiyana walked inside the hallway and walked into her room where her young sister was asleep in her bed. She sat down on her bed and grabbed a small painting of her parents on their wedding day on her bedside table. She always wondered if her parents were still alive and they would help her understand what to do next. Then she closed her eyes where she felt her parents were still here with you and felt them touch her shoulders. Leia walked into Aiyana's room after speaking with her commanders and she sat down next to Aiyana. Aiyana opened her eyes after having a moment with her parents and saw Leia next to her. Leia looks at Aiyana with a kind smile on her face.

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