Chapter 2

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                     Few more years later, Skyra was now a teenager and came of age at the beginning of her journey to learn more about herself. She lives her life in peace after the end of the Empire and new era of the New Republic. Then new dangers have risen once again, it was where Skyra's life was going to change forever. Alessia was learning from General Organa that there was new danger rising in the galaxy. She continues to watch over Naboo for any future dangers. Then the new danger was called the First Order who started slowly taking over different planets in different systems in the galaxy. She secretly left Naboo to report back to General Organa about keeping Naboo safe from the First Order. Then soon the First Order starts taking over Naboo after hearing some rumors about resistance members on the planet. There was going to change the young lady's life forever to get the chance to find the courage inside of her.



                     Later that late morning, Naboo's capital of Theed was a very quiet morning before people of Naboo started to notice strange ships coming out of hyperspace in their system. No one knows how their lives are going to change forever. The small resistance put their plan into action to get their families and friends out of the city for their safety. They move their base to Lake Country in case they have to rise up to fight the new threat who is coming to the galaxy. Back in Theed where Skyra was sitting on her sofa and eating her morning breakfast after getting ready for another daily life. She heard different ships flying outside her window and strange voices in the hallway. She got up from her sofa and grabbed her light blue bag off her bed. She grabbed her cream blue clock off the chair and left her small private apartment for the first time in a while. She walked out of her private apartments into the hallway and put her light blue clock hood over her head. She walked down the hallway to figure out what's going on in Theed. Then she looked out the huge window and saw different kinds of ships coming down to Theed. Soon she was caught by two First Order stormtroopers after standing by the huge window. They captured her and put handcuffs on her hands. She stayed calm and quiet while she was brought out of the palace into the grand plaza, where she was brought towards the command shuttle. Skyra put down her face to keep it hidden behind her cloak hood while she was brought inside the command shuttle. She looked up for a little bit and saw a stranger wearing black robe after she was put down on the floor of the command shuttle by the two First Order stormtroopers. Stranger wearing black robe walked towards her and let one of his First Order stormtroopers take off her cloak hood in showing her light blond hair and face. Skyra continues to stay calm and quiet while showing fears in her eyes. Stranger wearing black robe looks at the young girl who was guarded by a group of his First Order stormtroopers. She keeps her head down while her hair falls down on her face after the First Order stormtrooper took her cloak hood off.

          "It's surprising for my stormtroopers to find a very beautiful and young lady inside the palace after hearing some rumors about resistance members on Naboo. I'm going to hold you prisoner and take control of Naboo to not let resistance take it. You would be held in one of the Star Destroyers and stay there until I figured out how to deal with you." Stranger wearing black robe said to the young girl,
Skyra continues having her head down for not letting the stranger see her face. She let a few tears down her face while being guarded by a group of First Order stormtroopers. First Order pilots fly the command shuttle out of Theed towards the fleet of star destroyers. 



                     Later that early afternoon, a young lady secretly walked through the palace plaza into the palace while First Order stormtroopers walked through the streets of Theed. She saw her beloved home being controlled by the First Order after their invasion. She walked through the palace plaza into the palace hallway where First Order stormtroopers were walking through the hallway. She walked down the palace hallway without getting noticed by any group of First Order stormtroopers. The young lady enters a small room where she contacts the resistance in the hope of saving her youngest sister and Naboo. Then soon a hologram showed a familiar resistance general and she looked at the young lady.

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