Chapter 9

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                     Later that evening, Skyra wakes up on her bed in her childhood bedroom to notice she was back in her family's old lake house. She got out of her bed to walk towards her balcony to notice the large fleet of First Order Star Destroyers. She rushed out of her childhood room to figure out what was happening to her beloved home planet. She first thought her two sisters were somewhere in their family's old lake house. She rushed into her little sister's room to notice her reading a book on her bed. Arya looked up from reading her book to notice Skyra rushed into her bedroom with a very concerned look on her face.

          "Skyra, I'm more than happy to see you are alright after I escaped with Aiyana from being captured by the First Order. I was in the middle of helping with getting families to get into the resistance transports, before I saw the large fleet coming out of nowhere. I went back to the palace to see if I could help with evacuation orders for escaping the city. Then I was almost captured by two First Order stormtroopers before Aiyana came to get both of us out of the palace. We were helping unpacking crates until Poe came to our family's old lake house. We saw you were knocked out after you mysteriously fainted again and we brought you to rest in your bedroom. Now Poe and Rey are back in helping people to evacuate out of the city. I do know that Leia is here to assist with setting a temporary base here in our family's old lake house." Arya said to Skyra,
Skyra listens to Arya as she begins to stay calm from not making her little sister feel scared. She got up from sitting on her bed to put her book down and she got up to lead her younger sister to the temporary base. Skyra follows her little sister into the large living room filled with so many people, who were helping hurted troopers and thinking of a plan to free Naboo. She didn't even know how much the resistance would plan on how to stop the invasion from taking control. She sat down on one of the three long comfortable soft light couches in being so confused about what was happening, only knowing about the First Order invasion. She grabbed her mother's journal to read through it as she hoped to find any clues on what she might be able to do to save her home planet again. She doesn't know how to stop the First Order from taking control of Naboo. Poe walks with Aiyana into the large living room after they finish evacuating almost everyone out of the city. He turns to see Skyra was on the couch who was so confused about what happened in Theed. Aiyana looked at Poe as she brought him to the balcony to chat in private.

          "Poe, you know how much it means to me to know you finally brought Skyra here to my family's old lake house. I do know you have given her our mother's promise ring to make your love more powerful than anything else in the galaxy. I will give my blessing for you to marry my younger sister when the right moment comes. For now, we should go tell Leia our report for our mission. Do remember that Leia is going to have a meeting later tonight." Aiyana said to Poe,
Poe listens to Aiyana to only be happy to see Skyra was finally awake after she fainted in seeing the First Order invasion. He looks at Aiyana while they walk towards Leia.

          "Aiyana, how about you go give your report on our mission to the general. I will give my report to her before or after the meeting. It is because I want to check how Skyra is doing and we could meet you at the meeting later tonight." Poe said to Aiyana,
Aiyana listens to Poe as she knows how much he cares about her younger sister who he gives his promise to their father. She walks towards Leia to explain her report on evacuating so many families out of the city. Poe walks towards the couch where Skyra was reading through her mother's journal. He sat down next to her in an attempt to not disturb her from reading. She carefully closed her mother's journal to put it back into her shoulder bag and she turned head to see Poe was back from his mission. Skyra looked at Poe as she was filled with so many questions about what happened in her mind.

          "Poe, I'm more than happy to see you again after I saw the First Order in the sky to make me faint. It would be much better if we could talk privately in my room for being so confused and curious about what happened." Skyra said to Poe,
Skyra and Poe got up from the couch to walk out of the living room into the hallway. Poe explains to Skyra about what happened in Theed to only make her feel heartbroken to hear of destruction in her beloved city. She begins wondering if her aunt was somewhere in the Lake Country to be more safe from the First Order. Skyra brought Poe into her bedroom to make her walk onto her balcony to get some fresh air to clear her mind. Poe notices Skyra was still heartbroken after he told her what happened during the early hours of the First Order's invasion. She looked at him as she tried to have courage to help her have strength in order to free Theed from the control of the First Order.

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