Chapter-27: Date At The Fuchsia Festival!

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"Hehe. Sorry brother. I saw Misty and I just had to come." The girl replied childishly.

Rudy turned to the Kanto gym leader. "Hi again beautiful." He greeted.

A blush heated up on Misty's face. She just had a fight with her friend, and it seemed everything was going to be terrible. But this boy was making her day, litterally.

"What do you say to a date?" Rudy proposed.

"A With me?" She asked, completely flustered with the idea.

"Ooh! There's an arcade here, we should totally go!" Mahri suggested cheerfully.

"Now Mahri, we need to know what Misty wants too." Her brother chided her.

Misty was left to think. No other boy ever made her feel this nice. Everyone always thought of her as a tomboy, but he was the only one who made her feel special.

"Yeah. The arcade sounds like fun." She said with a smile.

"It's a date then!" Rudy said happily, making the Kantonian gym leader blush.

*               *               *

Brock was walking through the breeder's section, and there he found... Suzie. His heart fluttered instantly, as he rushed towards the teal-haired breader.

"Suzie my dear!" He exclaimed getting to a proposal pose.

The champion-breeder immediately recognized the boy, and she had a slight tint of red on her face too.

"Brock. It's so good to see you." She said happily. "How're you doing?"

"I'm doing great, especially now that I've seen you." He replied enthusiastically.

"Good to know Brock. How's Vulpix?"

The tanned breeder removed a pokeball from his belt, and tossed it into the air. The fox pokemon came out of the device with a cheerful cry.

Suzie looked at her fire type, and she was pleased with how Brock took care of it. "She looks wonderful Brock. I'm sure you're both enjoying the journey together."

"Thank you Suzie. Vulpix has been very friendly. She's even practicing battles with my rock types." Brock exclaimed.

"Is that so Vulpix?" She said to her little fire type with a smile. "That's wonderful. I knew Brock could take good care of you."

"Thank you Suzie. It means a lot coming from you." Brock replied bashfully.

*               *               *

Ash and Serena were moving through the fair, arm in arm. And Pikachu was acting like their guard mouse.

Right now, Serena was hugging Ash, from the side, and he had his arm wrapping around her shoulders. "Serena... there's a tag team tournament in this festival. So... will you be my partner?"

It almost seemed like a marriage proposal, and Serena knew to her boyfriend, this was just as important.

So with a cheerful smile on her face, she gave her reply. "Yes Ash, I'd love to."

The raven haired boy was thrilled. "Thank you Serena, we'll win this tournament and end this date perfectly!" He declared. "What do you say buddy?"

The couple turned around to find the electric type missing. "Pikachu?" Ash called for him, but there was no response.

"Where did he disappear now?" Ash groaned, while closing his eyes. He quickly activated his Aura Vision to search for his partner, and luckily, the mouse pokemon was in range.

Pokemon: The Journey To Become A Master-Kanto ArcTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang