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Ariadne and Lee looked at each other, before making a stupid decision to go down there and check if anyone was hurt.

P R E V I O U S L YAriadne and Lee looked at each other, before making a stupid decision to go down there and check if anyone was hurt

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( third perspective. )
     LEE RAN DOWN FIRST, a usual thing that happens when they're on missions and camp teamworks. Not because Ariadne wasn't capable, because trust me - her anger burns. No, this was because Lee was usually the more reckless between the two; a fast thinker while Ariadne likes to pause first, making sure everything was risk-free before running head-in. 


     Running down, the both of them saw a locked door, but upon hearing more cries and a hiss, which more than likely came from whoever emitted the scream; Lee instantly broke down the door. Dumb move, they know. But, after years of being cabin 7's senior camper for his step-siblings, Lee has built up a parental instinct to stop the cries first before looking after himself. 

     And gods, does the sharp intake he took after seeing what was opposite those doors alert Ariadne of how bad it was. She took a peek, and stumbled back; her hand going to her mouth as her eye widens in shock. 

    A baby- no, a child? Maybe by the age of two or three was tied to a chair, crying as her knees bled. Even worse was that a dracaena holding a bloody knife was holding a flask and taking the child's tears with a smile. However, from the sudden noise, the monster whipped her head to them, hissing in anger as it notices their smell. 

     "Demigods," it hissed, malice in its voice as the knife it held pointed to them. 

     "Medusa copy paste gone wrong," Lee hissed back. 

     The dracaena shrieked in anger, coming at him with her knife. Seeing that he only had a long-ranged weapon with him, Ariadne stepped forward and blocked its attacks as Lee ran for the child. But, it seemed that the dracaena was too focused on its opponent to notice him. It also seemed that the monster had weak fighting strategies, seeing as it was blindly swinging its knife at her. But it was okay, since Ariadne was good at dodging things. 

      Ariadne, after dodging for a few minutes, can see that the dracaena has gotten a bit tired. Taking this information to her advantage; she waited for the dracaena to come for her once more. Once it did, she dodged to the left, taking her dagger and giving the weapon momentum by running forward and bringing her dagger to cut through half its stomach. The monster shrieked in pain, beckoning as it bled out. Using this opportunity, Ariadne gave it one final blow before it disappeared back to Gaea. 

     She sheathed her dagger, before running to where Lee was - holding the now bandaged and sleeping child in his arms. 

     "Is the kid.?"

     "Alive, but I don't know where her parents are- nor what to do."

     Fortunately, they did not have to think about that, because just after; a light appeared and blinded them. They shielded their eyes, blinking before looking at who appeared. The woman who did was wearing a rainbow shirt, her blue-green hair swishing as she smiles at the two demigods. She had a glow on her, which signalled to them that she was indeed a deity.

     Ariadne, seeing as she was the one closer to her immortal side more, was the first to recognise the deity, bowing right away. Lee, though confused, followed her anyways.

     "Rise, son of Apollo and daughter of Hestia," She spoke, and when the two did as told, she continued, "I am Iris, goddess of the Rainbow and messenger of Olympus." 

     Lee was the first to speak, "Goddess, what brings you here?"

     "The child is mine," She spoke, in which Lee gave a gasp in shock. 

     ( Ariadne hit him in the back of his head for that response. )

     "Her father is dead. He had died years ago, and she was given to an orphanage. Her name is Amaris. Amaris Elm."

     Ariadne asks in confusion, "I'm sorry if this sounds rude, but why are you telling us this..? Other deities would more than likely just let their children into the camp- or instruct others too. But, to give this information-"

     "You must know of the rule well; that each deity must not be allowed to raise their own children- but this child is...dear, to me. So I ask, please raise her as if she was your own. Give her the love that her former father should have. Please, I ask of you."

     Amaris was shocked, but she nodded alongside with Lee. 

     "We shall do what you ask, goddess Iris."

     The goddess breathed a sigh of relief, muttering a quiet 'thank goodness' before disappearing out of their sights.

     NOW, GRACIE LYENN WAS someone who was still naive to most things, seeing as she was only ten. And so it was to no surprise that she'd misunderstand the situation once she saw her brother and his girlfriend with a baby in their arms. 

     She gasped, running back to cabin 7 and opening the door with a bang! that startled most of her other half-siblings. She gasped for air, before running to her bed and screaming onto a pillow. 

     "Gracie? What is it? What's wrong?!" Asked Austin in concern. 

     "Brother Lee!" jumped Gracie, "He and sister Ari made a baby!"

     Austin's eyes went as wide as saucers, while his other brother, Michael Yew, choked on his drink, spluttering it all over the floor. 

     "What?" Asked Kayla, now paying attention, "He knocked sister Ari up?!" 

     "What's that?" Started Gracie, but she didn't give them time to respond, "I saw them with a small baby going to Chiron's cabin right now! They did- they must have held hands and slept during their date!"

     There was silence for a moment. 



still on holiday but i decided to 
give you guys a chapter anyways
since i wrote most of this already 
in the plane flight hehe 

Anyways, other than Lee not dying,
(which is not happening haha)
what would you like to see in the 
future chapters, hm?

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