50 - The Tattoo

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I peer upwards, hoping to see the guy I thought it could be.

However, when my gaze lands on a big spider tattoo he had on the back of his hand and his physique completely different from any of the bangtan boys, I realise I'm in danger.

"Leave me!" I command at once but he doesn't budge a bit and instead tightens his grip on my figure.

This man with his face completely covered was surely not up to anything good.

So I need to force him to leave me now huh?

Grabbing onto the bent portion of the branch which he was clinging onto, I swing back with all the force I owned and kick him right on his balls, sending him flying down the slope.

A blood curling scream comes out of his mouth as he tries to clutch on my leg for support but that only ends up with me giving him another kick on his face.

There's a thin river flowing below, he will most likely survive.

Maybe just get a few cuts here and there but the question is, who actually is he?

His voice sounded groggy and old but the way he was built reminded me of my bodyguards, never mind I should focus on leaving now.

I won't be able to escape once jungkook comes after me too, he is literally a magnet.

Sighing as the bone of my leg vibrates from the sudden amount of pressure I applied on it, I hold onto the other branch that was slightly above and pull myself upwards.

It isn't safe to get on tall heights when there's a thunderstorm going on but I'll rather die from the hands of Mother Nature than from the hands of Kim Taehyung.

"Where is she? I swear I saw her run this way"

Someone whispers from the ground below, making me hold my breath back.

My arms were aching from carrying the entire weight of my body and not to mention the fresh cuts I just got.

Jeez, just leave me alone now.

Catching my lower lip between my upper set of teeth, I hesitantly take a glimpse of the men below.

Who else could it be except taehyung and Jin?

Please don't look up, please please please.

"She didn't fall into the river did she? Let's go to the other direction and check once" Jin suggests.

God bless this man.

"Namjoon hyung, we are changing routes now. Bring your subunit to the river area and search for her here. I'm pretty sure I saw her run this way" taehyung speaks on his phone.


Slowly sliding down from the branch to rest my feet on either side of the tree's bark, I wrap my arms around the broad piece of wood and wait for the men to go, their footsteps walking away from me.

I remember jimin said they work in groups of two and if tae and Jin are in one unit, hobi isn't a part of work and jimin is kidnapped...

Jungkook and Namjoon? Weren't they rivals?

Scrunching my face at the divisions that didn't sit right with me, I stretch my body to get to the other tree nearby that led to a big road in front.

I think this is the road which leads to the main town, I'll get a bus and leave once I reach there.

Those days spent in grandpa's house where I climbed trees through whole days of summer are proving to be helpful to me now.

Focusing on each huff of breath as I glide through the branches one after the other, I smoothly fall down on a stack of leaves, a dull thud following my safe landing and hide behind another one of those broad barks.

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