17 - Kookie With Chocolate

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"Hell no ew" I say, grimacing and hit his chest with my sweater paws randomly before standing up straight on my wobbly feet.

"Then you're not gonna get a shower, just go to sleep" he replies and gets up as well, walking towards the exit.

"Jungkook" I pout with my brows slanted inwards in annoyance but he doesn't give me a response.

"Jungkook" I repeat myself again and this time, he turns back but just stares at me without another movement of his body.

"What?" He asks, tilting his head to the side like an innocent puppy.

Appearances can be deceiving for sure.

"Let me take a shower please"

"I'll see what arrangements I can make" he replies and strides forward.

No way I'll let him go, what if he doesn't return and instead keeps me for three days without food. Even worse what if he sends the other two men to put handcuffs on me and torture me till I die, nope not gonna let that happen! I need to return home asap even if that means putting my pride aside for it.

"Don't leave" I mutter, already dying inside.

"Huh?" Jungkook stops in his spot all at once and fiddles with one of his dangling earrings, acting like he didn't hear me when I hundred percent know he did.


Facepalming myself in frustration and embarrassment, I heave out a sigh. Should I say it again? I don't think I will be able to since my words are now stuck in my throat.

Trying to decide between repeating myself again and saying it's nothing, I slowly start to reminiscence the tattoo shop incident....this guy opened my goddamn bra and might have also seen some things which he wasn't supposed to.

Stop picking out the almost buried memories y/n! He didn't see anything but...what if he did.

As warmth of my blood starts progressing its way to my cheeks, I attempt to hide them by covering my face with my cold, chalky hands. Blushing would have been no problem, but what I was doing was going as red as a beetroot and radiating heat like a hot pan.

Observing the sudden shallowness of our conversation, jungkook decides to look back at me oh god why right now?

Immediately reacting to his body movements like the response to a stimulus, I take quick short steps and squeeze his body from the back, giving a backhug as a way of preventing him from seeing the flustered and vulnerable y/n.

I feel the world slowly fade away as I hold him tighter, pressing my body against his in a vain attempt of hiding my embarassment.

"Is this your way of saying you're okay with saving water?" Jungkook snickers, holding my hand which was wrapped around his waist.

"Can you please shut up for a while" I hiss and rest my forehead on his broad shoulder to hide myself.

He hums with a little chuckle, starting to sway from side to side.

What will I do now? If he asks me why I hugged him, what will be my answer? How am I going to tell him it just happened without me having much control over my body?

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