Twelve| Santana

Depuis le début

"You promise?"

Jay nodded his head and met her halfway for a kiss. I turned my head and got off Tay's lap. My brother is such a player.

"Where you going?" Tay asked me.

I softly kissed his lips, "I have to use the bathroom."

He nodded before saying, "Okay hurry up and make sure you put toilet paper on the seats."

I laughed. Knowing what he said is true. Zendaya stepped away from Jay, "I need to pee too."

Mercedes ended up coming along with us. The boys sat on the couches and waited for us.

Once walking into the bathroom I quickly rushed into the stalls. I had to really pee. I made sure to use tissue for the seats too.

Mercedes and Zendaya stood at the counter touching up their makeup. I had only done my eyebrows and applied some lipstick before leaving the house.

I washed my hands, "Mercedes your dress is really cute." It really is. It's lime green and it reminded me of a sundress. The top half is peach though. She has the fire, red hair going on and a lot of girls can't pull that off but she does.

She grinned. "Awh thanks. It took me about four dresses before I decided on this one."

"Yeah it's really nice." Zendaya complimented too.

I dried my hands under the hands free dryer. "So do you think you and Chad are going to be a thing?"

She shrugged, "To be honest I don't think he's really feeling me. I know he called me cute but I don't know. I guess i'm not exactly his type."

"You two would make a cute couple though. He's probably nervous."

"Chad nervous? Girl puh-lease. He's just stuck up. His type are white and mixed girls. It's a shame when you discriminate against your own kind." Zendaya told us.

"Wow. Really?" Mercedes asked. Interested in knowing more.

"Trust me. Since I been hanging around Jay and his friends they have no filter on what they talk about. All Chad talks about how he thinks black girls are just ghetto and ratchet. That he would only date White, mixed, or Asian girls."

I shook my head. I don't think Chad is completely like that. I've seen him check out and court a few black girls in the hall. "I mean yeah that's mainly his type but you can't really trust what a boy says around his friends. Usually they're just playing hard and covering up how they really feel." I came in Chad's defense.

Mercedes placed her makeup into a little pouch before placing it in her purse, "Well i'm far from ghetto. I guess i'll just have to see for myself on what happens tonight. I don't want to base how I feel about him on what others have to say you know?"

We both nodded our heads. Completely agreeing with her.

Zendaya addressed me, "Since your brother is going out can I chill with you after? No ones home and I can't stand being at that house alone. It can be like a sleepover or sum."

I wasn't as smooth as a liar like Jay. I have to at least think of a lie and right now I didn't feel like lying to Zendaya. We've become friends. Not close friends but i'm sure with some time we'll get there.

"Cavonte invited me to some party he's going to tonight." I didn't lie I just excluded that Jay's going too.

It seemed like a light bulb went off in her head the way her facial expression changed so quickly. "That bumba rosclot. Is Jay going too?"

I didn't want to snitch on my brother but I didn't want to lie to my friend. "Yeah but I don't think he's staying long since he has to help my Dad." I partially lied.

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