Two Issues

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Two issues.

One; I have no idea what kind of dinner this is? Business casual? Just casual? Work event? I have no idea.

Two; I haven't the slightest clue where Evangeline lives, and I fear it may be too late to ask.

I have to be there in 45 minutes, and am now realizing my terrible mistake. Do I dare bother her again.

I'm trying to tiptoe around her. Something set her off, and I'm 95% sure it was me.

Seeing Evangeline break down like that, shattered something in me. I've barely known her for three months, and still, something in me wants to take care of her.

It always slips my mind, that she's still in college, barely an adult. Not even above the legal drinking age. Nineteen. Nineteen and running a entire company. Keeping track of everything, and still making time to go to events. Hang out with friends. Be around me.

I knew she couldn't have had everything together. However, I never would have guessed that she would break down like that, especially to me.

It's great, of course, that she trusts me like that. That she's willing to be real with me. It's something I admire.

"Oh my god! I don't think I ever gave you my address! It's 400 W 61st St, in the waterline apartments." The text reads. Evangeline just saved my ass.

"I was just about to text you. Is this like a business casual kind of thing?" I question.

"Remember when we went to dinner last month and realized that our fake dating act wasn't working? It's like what you wore that day."

"Alright. I'll see you soon."

I dig through my closet, searching for that exact outfit. I put it on, finishing my look with a KlineCo watch, and one of our chains, coming out in our new release. I add some cologne, and run my hands through my waves.

I tie my shoes, grab my keys, and head out. Evangeline lives further from me than I thought. It makes sense, considers she's only about ten minutes away from WrightLen headquarters.

I've driven past those apartments hundreds, if not thousands of times. She's only fifteen minutes away from the coffee shop we first met it.

I check my watch, 5:43. She lives probably about twenty minutes away from me, so if I leave now, we'll have plenty of time to get to the restaurant.

I walk out of my apartment, into the setting sun of February, the first flowers of spring already blooming.

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