10). The stray

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 Writing is hard. I'm just going to give up life and live under a bridge, scaring passing by travelers. I think I got most of the grammar mistakes, I have no idea why but this chapter has been a spelling nightmare.

The song in the description; Tear In My Heat by Twenty One Pilots


For Thea the week had flown by with no hassle. She had been working extra shifts at both the gas station and her friend's café. To finally pay off her overdue electricity bill well that's at least what she told herself. When in fact she was distancing herself from the unopened letter. The letter lying amongst the clutter on her coffee table. Eventually she would have to open it but right now Thea knew that opening it would lead to total destruction. So she left it, busying herself in work to hide the pain. Overworking did have its advantages she had earned a little more money than expected. Meaning that there wouldn't be any nights skipping a meal.

Pulling the blankets up and rolling over, Thea landed on the wooden floor with a big thud. The height different between the old mattress and the floor wasn't huge. The main difference was that floor was at freezing temperature. Groaning loudly she reached out pulling all the blankets on top of her. Remaining on the floor not bothering to move from the warmth.

It was a typical Saturday morning where she wanted to sleep forever. The looming thoughts of such horrors as 'responsibilities.' and 'chores' haunted the peaceful state of mind she was in. Reaching over she grabbed her cracked phone from its charger. She checked it with the slight hope that someone had sent her a message. That hope soon crushed when she saw only a notification that doodle jump needing to update. She hadn't expected anything yet the disappointing feeling was still there. She was hoping that Zack and the guys would contact her but it seemed they had better things to do. Them being rockstars meaning they already forgotten about her. The strange girl who worked at the gas station.

Rubbing her eyes and yawning. Thea gazed at the leaning tower of dirty washing that she would have to conquer later in the day. Her apartment desperately needed cleaning but recently she lacked any motivation to do so. Getting up, Thea wondered barefoot down the hallway to the bathroom. Her bathroom was beyond tiny only housing a shower, sink, and toilet. Everything barely squeezing into the space. It didn't help that the landlord painted it a claustrophobic lime green.

The cracked mirror had fallen onto angle. Tilting her head to check out her reflection. Thea sighed touching the new pimple that had formed on the side of her check. Turning on the tap water, only to find that the water wasn't working. She swore this wasn't the first time the buildings water had broken nor would it be the last. By the loud banging and yelling she knew someone had told the landlord, it just wasn't her weekend.

Thea needed to shower and clean the apartment but the lack of any water made it difficult. She wondered if her friend Marco would let her in his gym for free to use the showers and maybe make use of the pool. Deciding that, she might as well give it a try since there was nothing better to do in her apartment. Thea began packing her backpack with the necessities she needed for the gym. Her stomach growling signalling that she needed to eat. So she grabbed a handful of stale cereal shoving it in her mouth as she got dressed. Pulling ripped blue jeans on, and a simple black t-shirt. It took a while for Thea to actually find her red hoodie. And the other sneaker that had somehow lodged itself underneath her couch. Finally heading out the door, making one last check that she had everything. She noticed Zack's hoodie hooked on the back of the door making her smile.

By the time Thea got to the gym she was already sweating, her hair tangled in a mess, and her shoes soaked from a puddle. Pushing through the gym doors into the familiar scent of air freshener and sweat. She was about to walk up to the counter when she saw a familiar figure talking with a buff Asian woman, by the fish tank.

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