12 . motherhood

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There wasn't any pleasure as Niko made love to her. No spark, no fireworks, no passion. She could only find comfort in the skin on skin contact as he released inside her, flopping beside her on their bed. Niko leaned forward to kiss Mikayla, pulling away at the sound of a baby cry.

"That's a mood breaker," she joked, making him laugh as he sagged back into the sheets.


Somehow, Arthur had been convinced to not name his baby after him, though Mikayla heard that he insisted the second one would be his namesake. That still didn't stop him from loving his son. Everyone adored little baby Carter.

He wasn't ugly anymore, for starters. He was a pretty child with mousy brown hair and hazel eyes. His quickly growing hair making him look like a little bear cub, earning the affectionate nickname, Cubby.

Mikayla dragged herself between the bedroom and bathroom, getting ready for the day. Niko following the motion with similar lazy steps. Ever since the baby was born, a lethargic aura had taken over the house, combined with Cubby not staying down through the night, nobody was getting much sleep.

Niko pecked her lips as he left the house after breakfast. Arthur and Hugh doing the same thing to Eve and Rosemary with practiced ease, each patting the baby's head affectionately on the way out. Eve took her plate away as Rosemary began unbuttoning her blouse. Mikayla looked away when the other woman began feeding her son. The only sounds that could be heard were Cubby's hums and the sound of dishes colliding in the sink.

"How has motherhood been treating you, Rosemary?"

"As fine as it can, I guess," she whispered staring down at her son with blank eyes. Mikayla shifted in her seat uncomfortably, letting out a relieved sigh when Eve called her into the kitchen.

'It's probably exhausting, dealing with a baby,' she contemplated as she packaged and stored the remaining oatmeal and meat. Mikayla heard that some mothers didn't connect with children right away. Would it be the same for her? Or immediate attachment? Mikayla did want kids, maybe not originally in this situation, but hearing Niko blabber about their future kids was soothing. She was excited for it. Maybe she'd be allowed to name them?

Mikayla exited the kitchen, plopping on the couch and throwing her arms out. Eve giggled a bit, "how ladylike of you, Kayla."

"You know it," she answered while assorting herself into a better position as Rosemary joined her on the couch.

Cubby reached out to pull at Rosemary's loose hair, who grit her teeth and tried to pull her head back.  Mikayla pulled an elastic off her wrist, "turn your back to me, Rosemary, I'll pull your hair up."

The other woman wordlessly followed the demand, a full body shudder running through her as Mikayla's hands ran across her scalp. Rosemary's body relaxed under Mikayla's hands, leaning back a bit. Wrapping the other's hair in a low bun, she laughed awkwardly. "Tense?"

"You have no idea."

"Rosemary, why don't you rest your arms for a bit, I'll hold the baby," Eve offered to the young mother who immediately lifted her baby into the air.

Once free, Rosemary plopped her head into Mikayla's lap like it was no big deal.

'Motherhood has softened her up,' Mikayla thought grimly, forcing herself to focus on Eve's soft humming and singing to Cubby.

After a few minutes, Mikayla tapped Rosemary's cheek, who eyes spanned open before narrowing.

"I," Mikayla started sheepishly, "gotta pee."

Rosemary groaned, and forced herself to sit up.


Mikayla had gotten up to the bathroom about five times in the time in which the boys left and came back. Only now after doing all the chores in between restroom breaks could she relax on the couch again with Rosemary. Little Cubby had spent most of the day alternating between his grandmother's arms and tummy time on the floor. The little baby persistently fussed though.

"God, my hip is killing me," Eve complained as she bounced Cubby in her arms.

"Oh," Mikayla held her arms out, "sit down, Eve, I got him."

The child barely settled, but instead grabbed Mikayla's breast, she yelped in pain. The grab was soft, but sent bolts up her stomach, like she was sensitive.

"Guess he's hungry, that must mean he wants Mommy, huh?" Mikayla teased Cubby, lifting him up so they were eye to eye. He stuck his tongue out. Mikayla laughed and turned to Rosemary, who looked like she had been threatened. Lips pursed and shoulders straight, she let Cubby be lowered into her arms. "It's uncomfortable?" Mikayla questioned.

"If you think you're tender now, imagine how it'll be when you have a kid latched onto you like a leech 24/7."

Mikayla looked around, thankfully Eve was upstairs, probably resting herself. "Don't talk like that Rosemary. And I'm not even pregnant."

Rosemary frowned, "you don't know that, and even then, you will be eventually. Get ready for this," she looked down at her son.

Mikayla trailed a hand to her stomach. Could she be pregnant? She had sex all the time, was it possible she was pregnant right now?

Eve's voice snapped her out of her thoughts. She was calling Mikayla to help with dinner.

The thought stayed in the back of her mind.

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